| topics in the academic year 2014/2015 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Game of coins | 27.03.2015 |
| topics in the academic year 2013/2014 |
  | Michał Książek | Elementary algebra | 25.04.2014 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Mathematics and submarines | 11.04.2014 |
  | Paweł Bialas | Comparing Infinities | 06.12.2013 |
  | Mateusz Szymański | Some mathematical sophisms | 15.11.2013 |
  | Mateusz Szymański | Are there accidents in mathematics? | 04.10.2013 |
| topics in the academic year 2012/2013 |
   | Mateusz Szymański | To see the fourth dimension | 24.05.2013 |
  | Paweł Koza | Expected value and its applications | 17.05.2013 |
  | Mateusz Szymański | Abstract algebra | 08.03.2013 |
  | Mateusz Szymański | Introduction to abstract algebra | 01.03.2013 |
   | Mateusz Szymański | Introduction to game theory | 21.12.2012 |
  | Joanna Zwierzyńska | Metrics | 07.12.2012 |
   | Mateusz Szymański | What does computer know and what he will never learn... | 09.11.2012 |
  | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Graphs - searching algorithms and counting alcans | 19.10.2012 |
  | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Paths and cycles in graphs - most important algorithms | 12.10.2012 |
  | Marcin Fryz | Minimal polynomials | 14.09.2012 |
| topics in the academic year 2011/2012 |
   | Marcin Fryz | The Parade of Inequalities | 15.06.2012 |
   | Marcin Fryz | On Pascal's theorem | 08.06.2012 |
   | Mikołaj Stańczyk | On axiomatisation: from naive set theory to the ZFC ... | 25.05.2012 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Implementation of the world in mathematics | 11.05.2012 |
   | Joanna Zwierzyńska | Are all infinities equal? | 20.04.2012 |
   | Magdalena Nowak | Complex numbers | 23.03.2012 |
   | Paweł Zwoleński | Mathematically infected, i.e. on modelling an epidem... | 24.02.2012 |
   | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Real numbers | 17.02.2012 |
  | Marek Biedrzycki | How to make money on mathematics? | 20.01.2012 |
  | Mateusz Jurczyński | Mathematics vs the World | 06.01.2012 |
  | dr Tomasz Kochanek | Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. An algebraic killer o... | 06.01.2012 |
   | dr Tomasz Kochanek | Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. An algebraic killer o... | 16.12.2011 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Peculiarities of the [0,1] interval | 02.12.2011 |
  | Paweł Zwoleński | An application of mathematics in biology | 18.11.2011 |
  | Joanna Zwierzyńska | Congruences, i.e., when 4+4=3 and some words about RSA | 28.10.2011 |
   | mgr Weronika Siwek | On the measuring of distances | 14.10.2011 |
| topics in the academic year 2010/2011 |
  | Marek Biedrzycki | How paradoxes changed mathematics | 03.06.2011 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Differential equations, i.e. arrows on the plane | 27.05.2011 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | Ceva and Menealos theorems | 06.05.2011 |
  | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Fermat's theorem | 15.04.2011 |
  | Szymon Draga | Symmetric groups | 25.03.2011 |
  | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Secret sharing | 11.03.2011 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Around the Riemann series theorem | 25.02.2011 |
  | dr Tomasz Kochanek | Gaussian ring and its applications | 11.02.2011 |
  | Szymon Draga | Recursive equations | 17.12.2010 |
   | dr Tomasz Kochanek | Prime numbers as sums of squares | 03.12.2010 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Mathematics in the sky | 19.11.2010 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | A look at Łobaczewski's geometry | 29.10.2010 |
  | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Various types of prime numbers | 22.10.2010 |
  | Mateusz Jurczyński | In the land of numbers | 08.10.2010 |
| topics in the academic year 2009/2010 |
  | Piotr Idzik | A few words about finite state machines | 07.05.2010 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | The power of a point | 23.04.2010 |
  | Piotr Idzik | A certain functional equation | 09.04.2010 |
   | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Lagrange's theorem - part 2 | 19.03.2010 |
   | Mikołaj Stańczyk | Lagrange's theorem - part 1 | 05.03.2010 |
   | Weronika Siwek | Gauss' plane, polar coordinate system and more - part 2 | 05.02.2010 |
   | Weronika Siwek | Gauss' plane, polar coordinate system and more - part 1 | 22.01.2010 |
   | Mateusz Jurczyński | Mean value theorems | 08.01.2010 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | Numeral systems | 18.12.2009 |
   | Piotr Idzik | Lots and lots of ways to draw a Sierpinski triangle | 04.12.2009 |
   | Szymon Draga | Infinite sets | 20.11.2009 |
  | Mateusz Jurczyński | Vedic mathematics and more | 13.11.2009 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | Diofantic equations | 23.10.2009 |
  | Piotr Idzik | Plotting function graphs | 09.10.2009 |
| topics in the academic year 2008/2009 |
  | Joanna Zwierzyńska | Introduction to graph theory | 05.06.2009 |
  | Piotr Idzik | When sinx=2 holds? | 29.05.2009 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | Why you shouldn't resign from taking the negative nu... | 08.05.2009 |
   | Mateusz Jurczyński | Continuity and differentiability of functions | 17.04.2009 |
   | Piotr Idzik | How to calculate sin(x)? | 03.04.2009 |
  | Weronika Siwek | Limits of sequences and functions | 20.03.2009 |
   | Szymon Draga | Affine transformations from an analytic point of view | 06.03.2009 |
   | Weronika Siwek | Metrics and topologies | 20.02.2009 |
  | Mateusz Jurczyński | Meanders of logic, i.e. how to prove you have a pian... | 23.01.2009 |
  | Jolanta Marzec | Euler's function | 09.01.2009 |
   | Piotr Idzik | Geometric constructions | 19.12.2008 |
   | Weronika Siwek | Matrices and systems of equations | 05.12.2008 |
   | Tomasz Kania | Everything you wanted to know about addition, but we... | 21.11.2008 |
  | Łukasz Soliło | Recursive problems | 07.11.2008 |
   | Jolanta Marzec | Congruences | 24.10.2008 |
   | Piotr Idzik | Mathematical primitives | 10.10.2008 |
| topics in the academic year 2007/2008 |
  | Paweł Kowalski | Latin squares and magic squares | 16.05.2008 |
  | Joachim Horzela | Cauchy's inequality and its application in olympic t... | 15.02.2008 |
  | Pola Siwek | Infinite operations on sets | 01.02.2008 |
  | Tomasz Kochanek | The lines' quantity problem | 04.01.2008 |
  | Joachim Horzela | The golden ratio of a segment | 07.12.2007 |
  | Joachim Horzela | Fibonacci's sequence | 23.11.2007 |
  | Joachim Horzela | Mathematical induction | 09.11.2007 |
  | Pola Siwek | Convex sets | 19.10.2007 |
  | Roksana Policzew | Gauss' ring | 05.10.2007 |
| topics in the academic year 2006/2007 |
  | Grzegorz Bartosz | Polynomial roots | 25.05.2007 |
  | Roksana Policzew | Number theory | 11.05.2007 |
  | Pola Siwek | Bayes' formula | 27.04.2007 |
   | Tomasz Kochanek | From the probability to Riemann's function and Euler... | 13.04.2007 |
   | Tomasz Kochanek | The (almost) most important function in mathematics | 23.03.2007 |
  | Michał Gnacik | Indefinite integral | 02.03.2007 |
  | Władysław Sobczak | Metric spaces | 02.02.2007 |
  | Pola Siwek | Series | 19.01.2007 |
  | Mariusz Sawicki | Decision making | 05.01.2007 |
   | Tomasz Kochanek | Shapiro's inequality | 08.12.2006 |
  | Roksana Policzew | Basics of Mathematics | 24.11.2006 |
  | Michał Stolorz | Dynamical systems | 10.11.2006 |
| topics in the academic year 2005/2006 |
  | Pola Siwek | The marriage theorem | 07.04.2006 |
  | Grzegorz Bartosz | Derivative, e.g. a function's speed | 17.03.2006 |
  | Roksana Policzew | Different dimension | 03.03.2006 |
  | Tomasz Kochanek | Magic of recursion | 06.01.2006 |
  | Michał Stolorz | Arrow's theorem, i.e. choosing a leader | 16.12.2005 |
  | Władysław Sobczak | About limits with no limits | 25.11.2005 |
  | Pola Siwek | Platonic solids | 28.10.2005 |
| topics in the academic year 2004/2005 |
  | Agata Nowak | Congruences | 20.05.2005 |
  | Anna Gwóźdź | Sets | 29.04.2005 |
  | Tomasz Kochanek | What can one see in Pascal's triangle? | 18.03.2005 |
  | Pola Siwek | Geometric constructions and algebra | 25.02.2005 |
  | Roksana Policzew | GCD, LCM | 14.01.2005 |
  | Michal Stolorz | Fractals | 17.12.2004 |
  | Tomasz Kochanek | Universal Turing Machine | 19.11.2004 |
  | Agnieszka Klama | Banach's fixed point theorem | 29.10.2004 |
| topics in the academic year 2003/2004 |
  | Rafał Kucharski | Relations | 21.05.2004 |
  | Michał Stolorz | Complex numbers | 16.04.2004 |
  | Piotr Brudniak | Inequalities | 19.03.2004 |
  | Piotr Sulich | Affine transformations | 09.01.2004 |
  | Agnieszka Klama | Matrix Transposed | 12.12.2003 |
  | Tomasz Kochanek | Pigeon hole principle | 21.11.2003 |
  | Radosław Smogura | Game theory | 24.10.2003 |
| topics in the academic year 2002/2003 |
  | Renata Kawa | Sophisms | 25.04.2003 |
  | Żywilla Wcisło | Hailstone numbers | 21.03.2003 |
  | Krzysztof Oleś | Operations | 21.02.2003 |
  | Rafał Kucharski | Metrics | 10.01.2003 |
  | Grzegorz Goldyszewicz | Sets of numbers | 13.12.2002 |
  | Barbara Bromboszcz | Fractals | 29.11.2002 |
| topics in the academic year 2001/2002 |
  | Krzysztof Oleś | A certain difficulty in segment drawing | 23.05.2002 |
  | Włodzimierz Fechner | Introduction to mean theory | 11.04.2002 |
  | Paweł Gładki | More and less known number theory problems | 14.03.2002 |
  | Krzysztof Oleś | Different kinds of infinity | 10.01.2002 |
  | Barbara Bromboszcz | Introduction to combinatorics, i.e. putting items in... | 13.12.2001 |