2nd SMS' Summer Camp
Differential Equations Szczyrk, September 3-16th 2002
On 3-16 September 2002 the Student Mathematical Society settled in the Silesian University holiday resort in Szczyrk. We had lots of fun. We will remember the talks of: Włodek and Żywilla, which implies clearly that a tax is fair if and only if it is linear (without tax allowances!) Tomek Bielaczyc, about applicating Fourier series to solve partial differential equationsJola Kazak, who described the infinitesimal operator, linear operators? semigroups and Hille-Yoshida theoremKuba Byszewski, who presented to us a beautiful branch of number theory, in particular famous and amazing quadratic reciprocity law (originating from Euler, but with first (of six) proof from Gauss; nowadays we know over 200 proofs)Paweł Gładki, about differential algebraRafał Kucharski, about Laplace?s equation and harmonic functions Renata Kawa, Grzesiu Goldyszewicz and Radek Smogura, which introduced us to Hilbert spaces Radek Wieczorek, about stochastic processeslast update: 16.01.2011