XXXVII SMS' Session AlgorithmsSzczyrk, 7th - 11th November 2014
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SUGGESTED TALK TOPICS Below you can find list of suggested talk topics for oncoming SMS session. That's only a set of problems, that seems to be intresting. In your talk it would be good to say something about algorithm's complexity - sometimes it will be the only truly mathematical aspect of your speech. Introductory topics:
- Definition of algorithm. Algorithm complexity.
- Proofs of algorithm correctness.
- Turing mashine.
- ASorting algorithms.
Data structures:
- Axiomatic approach to data structures. Examples.
- Binary trees, binary tree lookup orderings. Binary search.
- Basic data structures: list, heap, FIFI queue, priority queue.
- BST and AVL trees.
Geometria obliczeniowa:
- Convex hull problem. Graham algorithm, Jarvis march.
- Voronoi diagrams.
- Robot track planning.
- Art gallery problem.
Graph theory:
- Graph theory basics. Graph representation.
- Minimal spanning trees..
- Shortest path problem Dijkistra algorithm, Ford-Bellmann algorithm.
- Maximal flow problem.
- Graph coloring.
Differential equations:
- Numerical methods od DE solving. Euler method, backward Euler method, Runge-Kutta methods. Complexity comparison of thee methods.
Artificial inteligence:
- Neural networks.
- Genetic algorithms.
- Mathematical background of cryptography. Euclidean algorithm. Finite fields. Chinese remainder theorem. Fermat's little theorem.
- Diffi-Hellmann protocol. RSA algorithm.
- Natural number factorisation.
- Information theory elements. Entropy.
- Polynomials multiplication methods. Karatsuba algorithm, FFT.
- Introduction to algorithms. Third edition. T. H. Cormen
- Algorithms, 4th edition. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne'
- Geometria obliczeniowa. Algorytmy i zastosowania. M.Berg, M.Kreveld
- Metody Numeryczne. Postawy teoretyczne, aspekty praktyczne i algorytmy. E. Majchrzak, B. Mochnacki
- Sieci neuronowe. S. Osowski
- An introduction to neural networks. Ben Krose, Patrick van der Smagt
- Cryptography and Data Security. Dorothy Elizabeth Robling Denning
last update: 02.01.2015