Koło Naukowe Matematyków U¦ PL SMS

XXVI SMS' Session
Equations and Inequalities

Szczyrk, 30th Apr - 3rd May 2009

Report from the XXVI session of the Students' Mathematical Society "Equations and Inequalities"

I. e. how humble, grey squirrels and other animals, wiggling their hips, went in March by sideways covered with suet to salt an iris villa on the Jura.

Days and months have passed. Pencils were bitten, sheets of paper were scribbled, tears were shed, calculations were wrong, hair was torn out, integrals were not finished... and the wait is over.
The wait for the XXVI Society's session is over! Bigger, longer and uncut, allowed for adults only (with two participants satisfying this requirement by an epsilon), a session, which would change our outlook on mathematics, on our lives, on ourselves and on our kettle! Were we succesful? Did we come back the same? Was the trip okay? Was the platypus caught?
These and many more questions will be answered below...
After many adventures connected with choosing earlier and earlier trains and transports to get to Szczyrk, the halls of our holiday resort were opened - repeatedly, as we got in in groups. Once again we were visited by representatives of Kraków and Silesian University of Technology, which, as we hope, will become a tradition of our sessions. Our supply group has once again shown its prowess, delivering uncountably many food, for which we thank and congratulate them. After accomodating (most of) ourselves in our rooms, we listened to two inaugurational talks - Piotr Pokora was so brave to talk as the first, stunning the Katowice inhabitants with some mathematics from Kraków. We replied succesfully with some help from Weronika Siwek and residues.
A smashing hit of the XXVI session was the Bang! game, in which many of us indulged themselves in the evenings, banging, kiling, forming comitives and double-crossing the comrades without stopping for breath. The first evening brought us, along with many dead bodies and shells from the revolvers, a second talk from Kraków, about graph theory, which Piotr Pokora was destined to give the very next day...
This day was planned much more scientifically, with astonishing 9 talks, two of which were given by our professors - dr Roman Badora and dr Tomasz Szostok - who honored us with their presence on that day. Joanna Zwierzyńska debuted in a new role of (c)hairwoman, for which we forgave her lack of a talk. On this day we learned about spherical functions - for which we should thank dr Roman Badora; the Cauchy equation - thanks to dr Tomasz Szostok; dense graphs of functions on a plane - ave Piotr Idzik; inequalities between means - Szymon Draga didn't let us down; classical equations and inequalities, integral lovers version; thank you, Jolanta Marzec; ants and their way of thinking - made in Gliwice by Łukasz Soliło; the Schroedinger equation - Tomasz Wiewiórka, members of the Society te salutant; aforementioned graph theory - respect for the immortal Piotr Pokora; and different ways of solving one problem, for which we may thank our president Weronika Siwek - Gosh! Delicious cookies, juices and other snacks, disappearing in a blink of an eye, were a great help in the process of acquiring knowledge. Research on the speed with which the function describing the relation between the amount of food and time decreases are being conducted.
On Saturday we decided to benefit the great weather and go trekking. Of course we forgot about the Murphy's Law, the most important axiom of modern mathematics and philosophy of life, which showed its power with the force of wind, which drove us back to the resort, and then with fire, bringing us a great heat for the rest of the day. Well - it happens, and in the resort we could at least participate in the Society's debates (in which our guests from Kraków and Gliwice and our youngest participant, which for the first time was not me, seconded bravely), Society's songs (which quickly scared the Krakowians away), Society's BANG!-s (we hope that our President is not mad at us for shooting her repeatedly) and Society's dungeoneering in Dungeons&Dragons (in which both a representative from Kraków and the youngling participated). The topic for the next session was traditionally chosen in the evening - it was "Mathematics in pictures", proving once again the imperfectness of democracy. Then we went to sleep... after traditional debates to hours such late in the night that they were practically early in the morning.
Sunday, as a day theoretically free of work, greeted us with a sad necessity of cleaning up, packing ourselves and departing - our hearts broken, we've done the deed, promising that we will come back to Szczyrk.
With this malicious oath lingering in the air, we split the food between the Society's members, and what happened later I do not know, because I quickly went back home to enjoy my new cottage cheese. MUAHAHAHA!
The Innocent Wolverine

last update: 13.01.2011


Students' Mathematical Society of the University of Silesia
(Koło Naukowe Matematyków Uniwersytetu ¦l±skiego)
40-007 Katowice, ul. Bankowa 14 (room 524)
tel. (032) 359-20-96, email: knm@knm.katowice.pl