Koło Naukowe Matematyków U¦ PL SMS

The Pi Day
Katowice, March 12-14th 2009

The Pi Day in Numbers
673 920 000 - the number of pixels the big square fractal poster consisted of
1 010 880 000 - the number of pixels the butterfly fractal (a big longitudinal
fractal poster) consisted of. To put it in perspective, it is over 1010 megapixels!
2000 - the number of [Pi-Macierzator] covers printed
21 - the number of Silesian University pens we got for prizes
900 000 000 - the number of ciphers appearing in decimal we prepared to search through, including:
500 000 000 for pi
200 000 000 for e
200 000 000 for square root of 2
56 - the number of arrows which were leading to workshop classes. It was not possible to get lost!
the crack of dawn - at that time we finished preparations for The Pi Day celebration this year
3099 - the number of people that visited the website swietopi.pl during the
512 - the number of people that visited our website during the celebrations :-(

If you think there is a number we missed here - mail to: knm@knm.katowice.pl.

last update: 29.01.2012


Students' Mathematical Society of the University of Silesia
(Koło Naukowe Matematyków Uniwersytetu ¦l±skiego)
40-007 Katowice, ul. Bankowa 14 (room 524)
tel. (032) 359-20-96, email: knm@knm.katowice.pl