Koło Naukowe Matematyków UŚ PL SMS


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28 Nov 2018       Introduction to Category Theory materials
m.szymanskiRecordings from the first four classes of Introduction to Category Theory are available on YouTube at the links below:

(Introduction to Category Theory, Part 1: Categories, types of morphisms)

(Introduction to Category Theory, Part 2: Types of morphisms, products)

(Introduction to Category Theory, Part 3: Products, coproducts)

(Introduction to Category Theory, Part 4: Principle of duality, functors)

We remind you that the current materials from the classes on Introduction to Category Theory can also be found at the following address: jakim.pl/materialy/.

18 May 2018       KNM Session in June
m.szymanskiWe cordially invite everyone to the next edition of the scientific session of the Mathematicians' Science Circle, which will be held on June 8-10, just like in previous years, at the University of Silesia's Recreation Center in Szczyrk at Olimpijska 56. We invite all interested individuals and simultaneously encourage the preparation of short presentations on a selected topic from the field of mathematics or related areas!

If you have any questions, please contact us.

3 Apr 2018       Spotkanie z przedstawicielami firmy Getin Noble Bank
j.zwierzynskaFirma Getin Noble Bank zaprasza na bezpłatną prezentację, w której analitycy i administratorzy hurtowni danych zaprezentują ciekawe sposoby rozwiązywania problemów, z którymi spotykają się na co dzień w pracy.
W omawianych przykładach zostaną wykorzystane umiejętności posługiwania się podstawowymi i zaawansowanymi poleceniami języka SQL.
złączenia JOIN
funkcje agregujące GROUP BY
funkcje okienkowe np. RANK
polecenia modyfikujące np. INSERT
Uczestnicy spotkania dowiedzą się również jak działa hurtownia danych
i dlaczego wykorzystujemy narzędzia Business Inteligence.
Prezentacja odbędzie się 10 kwietnia,
w godzinach od 15:00 do 17:30
w Instytucie Matematyki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, w sali nr 233.
Spotkanie adresowane jest przede wszystkim do studentów i absolwentów kierunku matematyka.
Nie oczekuje się przynoszenia własnych laptopów, natomiast studentów i absolwentów chcących wziąć udział w prezentacji obowiązują zapisy poprzez formularz rejestracyjny:

16 Mar 2018       Competition results
j.zwierzynskaWe already know the results of the 2018 "Mathematical World" art competition!

The jury unanimously recognized Zuzanna Cyran from class VII of PSP No. 4 in Radomsko as the winner of this year's competition. Here is what Zuzanna writes about her work, titled "Pi all around":

"The work is made using the quilling technique and tissue paper string. Half of it represents the logo of the University of Silesia in Katowice, the logo of the department of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and flowers. The other half represents planets and the number pi. The sphere is placed on a base in the colors of the Katowice flag".

We can only add that the jury wondered whether Zuzanna had spent the whole year on such labor-intensive work!

The entire podium this year was taken by girls, as the winner of the second prize was Magdalena Wolna from Preschool No. 73 named after Mr. Uszatek in Katowice, while the third place was awarded to Karolina Nowak from class IV a at SP No. 32 in Chorzow.

The awards will be presented during the solemn conclusion of the Pi Number Day - March 14, 2018, at 2:30 pm, in room 227 of the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Bankowa 14 street).

We sincerely congratulate the laureates and wish them further successes!

13 Feb 2018       Święto Pi 2018 - poszukiwani prowadzący warsztaty!
j.zwierzynskaJuż za miesiąc - 14 marca 2018 - odbędzie się XII Święto Liczby Pi!

Wszystkich gorąco zachęcamy do pomocy w organizacji tego wydarzenia. Jak co roku planujemy zorganizować dziesiątki godzin warsztatów, więc każda osoba do pomocy na wagę złota!

Co można robić? Na przykład:
- pomóc w prowadzeniu zajęć (m.in. zagadki logiczne, kasyno, Kawiarnia Szkocka, origami, zajęcia dla najmłodszych, fraktale, szyfrowanie...);
- poprowadzić wymyślone przez siebie zajęcia;
- po prostu wydawać w Kawiarni Szkockiej drobny słodki poczęstunek tym uczestnikom, którzy zgromadzą odpowiednią liczbę pi-pieniędzy;
- kierować uczestników do odpowiednich sal (dla kogoś, kto jest w Instytucie Matematyki pierwszy raz, budynek może przypominać nieco labirynt).

W sprawie szczegółowych informacji proszę o kontakt (joanna@knm.katowice.pl).

11 Feb 2018       Bezpłatne szkolenie z Excela - zapraszamy!
j.zwierzynskaSerdecznie zapraszamy na szkolenie z programu Microsoft Excel, które odbędzie się 21 lutego o godzinie 17:00 w sali 4.14 w budynku CNTI Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach. Szkolenie poprowadzą Paweł Bartela i Michał Rekus.

Na szkoleniu zostaną zaprezentowane triki excelowe, czyli sprytne sposoby rozwiązywania zadań. Skupimy się na funkcjonalnościach najczęściej używanych podczas pracy na stanowiskach związanych z przetwarzaniem danych i raportowaniem. W wynajętej sali są komputery, więc każdy będzie miał możliwość przećwiczyć omawianych przykładów.

Do udziału w szkoleniu zapraszamy wszystkich studentów. Liczba miejsc ograniczona do 30. Zapisy poprzez link.

Szkolenie jest bezpłatne. Zachęcamy gorąco do udziału!

25 Oct 2017       An invitation for a KNM session in Szczyrk
m.kolanyWe cordially invite everyone interested to the next Scientific Session of KNM UŚ, which will be held on November 24-26, 2017 at the University of Silesia's Recreation Center in Szczyrk. The trip is somewhat scientific in nature, but also recreational of course :) Accommodation is free. Transportation and meals are at your own expense.
Address: Olimpijska 56, 43-370 Szczyrk

If you have any questions, please contact us.

16 Oct 2017       Szkoła matematyczna dla studentów niższych lat - zaproszenie
j.zwierzynskaPoniżej przekazujemy wiadomość o szkole matematycznej dla studentów:

Uprzejmie informuję, że 24-26.11.2017 i 16-18.03.2018 w Będlewie odbędzie się szkółka dla studentów, którą nazwaliśmy Małe Horyzonty - Baby Horizons.


Serdecznie zapraszamy studentów z całej Polski.

Więcej informacji:

W skład Komitetu Organizacyjnego wchodzą studenci Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego:

Sara Nowogórska (s.nowogorska@gmail.com),
Piotr Rudnicki ( deamondev@gmail.com),
Oskar Słowik (oslowik93@gmail.com)
Kajetan Jastrzębski (kajetan.jastrzebski6@gmial.com),
Tomasz Limisiewicz (t.limisiewicz@gmail.com).,

Jest to szkółka typu Horyzonty (organizowane już przez pana dr. hab. Tomasza Cieślaka), ale nie dla studentów studiów magisterskich. Szkółka ma być dostępna dla studentów ostatniego roku licencjatu sekcji teoretycznej i zastosowań czyli po porządnej analizie, algebrze, algebrze liniowej, równaniach różniczkowych, teorii miary, rachunku prawdopodobieństwa, funkcjach analitycznych, statystyce, analizie funkcjonalnej.

Na szkółkę zostali zaproszeni matematycy teoretyczni i stosowani, którzy mają opowiedzieć o swojej dziedzinie badań w sposób zrozumiały dla
studentów licencjatu (jakiś fragment).
Cel jest taki by studenci zobaczyli różne możliwości zanim wejdą w wąską specjalizację.

W pierwszej części 24-26.11.2017 swój udział zapowiedzieli
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Frączek (UMK, Toruń),
prof. dr hab. Piotr Gwiazda (Uniwersytet Warszawski, IMPAN),
prof. dr hab.Piotr Śniady (IM PAN, Toruń),
prof. dr hab. Ryszard Rudnicki (IMPAN).

Dr hab. Radosław Adamczak, Wojciech Niemiro (Uniwersytet Warszawski, UMK),
prof. dr Jacek Wesołowski (Politechnika Warszawska), prof. dr hab. Piotr
Zakrzewski (Uniwersytet Warszawski) będą wiosną.

Liczymy na studentów z całej Polski. Już samo spotkanie kolegów z innych ośrodków może być frajdą. Dopuszczamy też referaty studenckie.
Więcej informacji znajduje się na powyższej stronie www. Trzeba się zarejestrować.

Koszt jednego weekendu dla jednej osoby po odjęciu dofinansowania z Centrum Banacha wynosi 170 zl.

W razie pytań proszę zwracać się do w/w studentów: Sary, Piotra i Oskara.

Prof. dr hab. Ewa Damek

17 Mar 2017       Majówka z KNM!
l.dawidowskiSerdeczne zapraszamy na Wyjazdową Sesję Naukową KNM UŚ, która odbędzie się w dniach 12-14 maja 2017 r. w Ośrodku Wypoczynkowym UŚ w Szczyrku. Więcej informacji niebawem, ale już teraz rezerwujcie czas! Konferencja jest interdyscyplinarna, zatem zapraszamy wszystkich do wygłoszenia wykładu z dowolnej dziedziny matematyki.

14 Mar 2017       Wyniki konkursu Matematyczny Świat
j.zwierzynskaW konkursie "Matematyczny Świat" w tym roku nagrodzone zostają:

I miejsce - Wiktoria Wdowska, gimnazjum PG im. K. Makuszyńskiego w Natolinie - "Pitrix"
II miejsce - Zuzanna Cyran, ZSG nr 3 w Radomsku
III miejsce - Natalia Mąkosa, PSP im. K. Makuszyńskiego w Natolinie - "Parabola z okienka"
IV miejsce - Weronika Zarębska, ZSG nr 3 w Radomsku

Zwycięzcom gratulujemy!

14 Mar 2017       Święto Liczby Pi 2017
j.zwierzynskaTo już dziś! 14 i 15 marca tradycyjnie organizujemy na naszym Wydziale Święto Liczby Pi. Przygotowaliśmy wykłady, warsztaty, pokazy, konkursy. Program: swietopi.pl. Zapraszamy!

4 Feb 2017       XIII ISCA
l.dawidowskiW dniach 4-7 lutego 2017 roku w Ustroniu odbędzie się XIII International Students' Conference of Analysis, w której biorą udział przedstawiciele Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz Uniwersytetu w Debreczynie. Uczestnikom życzymy udanej konferencji, a biorącym w niej udział studentom - członkom i sympatykom KNM, dla których często jest to pierwsze wystąpienie na międzynarodowej konferencji - powodzenia!

13 Jan 2017       X Wykład im. Profesora Andrzeja Lasoty
j.zwierzynskaPrzypominamy, że już dziś odbędzie się X Wykład im. Profesora Andrzeja Lasoty. Wykład „Matematyczne modele dynamiki procesów molekularnych w żywych komórkach biologicznych” wygłosi prof. dr hab. Aleksander Weron.

Plan dnia:

14:00 promocja książki "Mathematics Like Poetry. Andrzej Lasota 1932-2006"
15:30 Wykład im. Profesora Andrzeja Lasoty
Bezpośrednio po wykładzie: koncert muzyki włoskiej

Po koncercie na uczestników będzie czekał catering.

Miejsce: Sala posiedzeń Rady Wydziału (227). W imieniu Organizatorów serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych!

10 Nov 2016       Wizyta Prof. Aleksandra I. Zeifmana
j.zwierzynskaOd 20 do 26 listopada 2016 r. gościem Instytutu Matematyki będzie Profesor Aleksandr I. Zeifman z Uniwersytetu w Wołogdzie (Rosja). Serdecznie zachęcamy do udziału w prowadzonych przez niego wykładach:
22.11. 2016 r., 8:15, s. 553: Continuous-time Markov Chains and Models. Properties and Bounds, I;
23.11. 2016 r., 16:00, s. 208: Continuous-time Markov Chains and Models. Properties and Bounds, II - wykład ten jest w szczególności adresowany do KNM;
24.11. 2016 r., 8:15, s. 553: Continuous-time Markov Chains and Models. Properties and Bounds, III;
24.11. 2016 r., 12:15, s. 553: Continuous-time Markov Chains and Models (wspólne posiedzenie seminariów z Biomatematyki i Matematyki Finansowej).

4 Nov 2016       XLI Wyjazdowa Sesja Naukowa KNM UŚ
m.kolanySerdeczne zapraszamy na Wyjazdową Sesję Naukową KNM UŚ, która odbędzie się w dniach 9-11 grudnia 2016 r. w Ośrodku Wypoczynkowym UŚ w Szczyrku. Więcej informacji niebawem, ale już teraz rezerwujcie czas! Konferencja jest interdyscypinarna, zatem zapraszamy wszystkich do wygłoszenia wykładu z dowolnej dziedziny matematyki.

We have uploaded the August issue of Macierzator.

26 Sep 2016       Pierwsze spotkanie KNM po wakacjach!
w.fechnerW najbliższy piątek, 30 września 2016 r., od godziny 10.00, odbędzie się pierwsze powakacyjne spotkanie KNM.

Zapraszamy nie tylko członków, ale także wszystkich zainteresowanych - również nowych studentów z I i II stopnia.

Do zobaczenia!

13 Aug 2016       Kurs wakacyjny dla studentów
j.zwierzynskaDostaliśmy informację o możliwości skorzystania z kursu dla studentów, który odbywałby się od 22 do 29 września 2016 r. w Niemczech, w Wiesbaden. Koszt uczestnictwa, pokrywający wysłuchanie wykładów oraz imprezy towarzyskie w okolicy, wynosi 90 euro (można starać się o dofinansowanie organizatorów). Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej kursu: hs-rm.de/…/summerschool.

Dodaliśmy najnowszy numer Macierzatora.

6 Apr 2016       XL Sesja Naukowa KNM
s.haratykSerdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich członków oraz sympatyków Koła, a także wszystkich zainteresowanych na jubileuszową XL Sesję Naukową KNM, która odbędzie się w Szczyrku w dniach 22-24.04.2016.

Sesja ta, podobnie jak poprzednia, będzie miała charakter interdyscyplinarny, tzn. mile widziane będą referaty zarówno z zastosowań matematyki, jak i te o charakterze bardziej teoretycznym.Wygłoszenie referatu nie jest warunkiem koniecznym uczestnictwa w Sesji Naukowej KNM, ale jest bardzo mile widziane.

Koszt udziału w tegorocznej sesji wynosi 20 zł. W tej cenie zapewnione zostanie zakwaterowanie w ośrodku UŚ w Szczyrku oraz wyżywienie przez cały okres pobytu (wszystkie posiłki przygotowujemy sami). Zgłoszenia chęci udziału w sesji przyjmujemy do niedzieli 17 kwietnia 2016. W przypadku chęci wygłoszenia referatu prosimy o zgłoszenie jego tematu również do tego dnia.

W przypadku chęci zgłoszenia udziału, pytań, wątpliwości prosimy o kontakt: knm@knm.katowice.pl.

Dodaliśmy marcowe wydanie Macierzatora.

12 Mar 2016       Święto Liczby Pi 2016
j.zwierzynskaWszystkich zainteresowanych zapraszamy do udziału w Święcie Liczby Pi! Jak co roku przygotowaliśmy dla Was wykłady, warsztaty, konkursy. Pojawią się nowe łamigłówki logiczne (trójwymiarowe puzzle z pianki, zagadki druciane, drewniane, ze sznurkami...), będzie można dowiedzieć się o fraktalach czy szyfrowaniu, zmierzyć się z origami, odwiedzić Kawiarnię Szkocką i kasyno... Zapraszamy! Program: swietopi.pl.

27 Feb 2016       Spotkanie "Analityk ryzyka w banku" przełożone!
j.zwierzynskaZe względu na chorobę prelegenta przekładamy spotkanie z Krzysztofem Sroką "Analityk ryzyka w banku". Nowy termin i więcej informacji podamy wkrótce.

Dodaliśmy zimowe wydanie Macierzatora.

27 Jan 2016       Święto Liczby Pi 2016
j.zwierzynskaTegoroczne Święto Liczby Pi odbędzie się 14 i 15 marca. Serdecznie zachęcamy wszystkich studentów do wzięcia udziału w jego organizacji. Masz nowy pomysł na ciekawe zajęcia? Podobały Ci się szczególnie jakieś warsztaty i chciał(a)byś je poprowadzić? A może po prostu chętnie pomożesz, ale nie masz pomysłu, w czym? Przyjdź lub napisz do nas! Każda osoba jest bardzo mile widziana. Czekamy na Ciebie w pokoju KNM (524 w Instytucie Matematyki). Możesz tez napisać do mnie e-mail: joanna@knm.katowice.pl. Więcej informacji wkrótce!

10 Dec 2015       Mija termin nadsyłania artykułów do zimowego numeru [Macierzatora]!
j.zwierzynskaPrzypominamy, że w najbliższym czasie mija termin nadsyłania artykułów do zimowego numeru [Macierzatora]. Na prośbę Autorów przedłużamy go do 15 grudnia 2015. Artykuły można nadsyłać na adres macierzator@knm.katowice.pl lub, najlepiej, bezpośrednio na mój adres e-mailowy (joanna@knm.katowice.pl).

17 Nov 2015        XXXIX Sesja Naukowa KNM
m.biskupSerdecznie zapraszamy członków i sympatyków koła, a także wszystkich zainteresowanych, do wzięcia udziału w XXXIX Sesji Naukowej KNM, która odbędzie się w Szczyrku w dniach 18-20.12.2015r. Koszt wyjazdu wynosi 50 zł.
Zarówno referaty z "czystej" matematyki jak i jej zastosowań będą mile widziane, gdyż nadchodząca sesja będzie miała charakter interdyscyplinarny.

Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do piątku, 11 grudnia 2015r. Do tego też dnia należy zgłosić temat referatu. Wygłoszenie go nie jest warunkiem koniecznym do wzięcia udziału w sesji, ale jest bardzo mile widziane.

17 Nov 2015       ZBIÓRKA MIKOŁAJKOWA KNM 2015
m.biskupJak co roku, Koło Naukowe Matematyków organizuje zbiórkę mikołajkową. W tym roku dary otrzymają podopieczni Domu Dziecka "Stanica" przy ul. Plebiscytowej w Katowicach.
- artykuły szkolne (zeszyty, kredki, długopisy itp.);
- słodycze;
- środki czystości i artykuły higieniczne;
- artykuły higieniczne dla niemowląt i małych dzieci;
- zabawki.
Dary można wkładać do koszy umiejscowionych przy portierniach w Instytucie Matematyki UŚ lub bezpośrednio do pokoju KNM (524).
Dary zbieramy przez dwa tygodnie, od poniedziałku, 23 listopada 2015, do piątku, 4 grudnia 2015.

We have released the October issue of Macierzator.

15 Sep 2015       Zachęcamy do napisania artykułu do [Macierzatora]!
j.zwierzynskaZbieramy artykuły do najnowszego numeru naszej gazetki - [Macierzatora]. Obecnie przybrała ona formę kwartalnika; najbliższe wydanie planowane jest na październik. Zachęcamy do napisania artykułu - na przykład o jakimś szczególnie ciekawym zagadnieniu matematycznym, interesującej postaci, dobrej matematycznej książce, inspirującym zadaniu... Na artykuły czekam jeszcze kilka dni; należy je wysyłać na mój adres mailowy (joanna@knm.katowice.pl).

We have released the June issue of Macierzator.

10 May 2015       Zdjęcia z XXXVIII Sesji KNM.
m.biskupNa naszej stronie pojawiły się zdjęcia z XXXVIII Sesji KNM. Zapraszamy do oglądania i komentowania!

17 Mar 2015       XXXVIII Sesja Naukowa KNM
m.biskupSerdecznie zapraszamy członków i sympatyków koła, a także wszystkich zainteresowanych, także niezwiązanych z KNM, do wzięcia udziału w już XXXVIII Sesji Naukowej KNM, która odbędzie się w Szczyrku w dniach 08-10.05.2015. Temat przewodni sesji to „Matematyka i fizyka”. Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do czwartku, 30 kwietnia 2015. Do tego też dnia należy zgłosić temat referatu. Wygłoszenie go nie jest warunkiem koniecznym do wzięcia udziału w sesji, ale jest bardzo mile widziane. Wysokość składki będzie podana już niebawem.

3 Mar 2015       II Ogólnopolska Matematyczna Konferencja Studentów "O MatKo!"
m.biskupDostaliśmy od zaprzyjaźnionego Koła Matematyków z Wrocławia informację o organizowanej przez nich konferencji.

Już 24 kwietnia na Politechnice Wrocławskiej rusza II edycja Ogólnopolskiej Matematycznej Konferencji Studentów "O MatKo!". Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału wszystkich studentów oraz doktorantów. Organizatorzy szczególnie zachęcają do wygłaszania referatów na wybrane tematy z obszarów matematyki teoretycznej, matematyki finansowej, statystyki oraz matematyki przemysłowej. Przewidziana jest również sesja plakatowa. Na najlepszych prelegentów czekają atrakcyjne nagrody.

Formularz zgłoszeniowy oraz wszystkie niezbędne informacje pojawiać się będą na fanpage'u wydarzenia: on.fb.me/17JJHiB oraz stronie internetowej:omatko.im.pwr.wroc.pl

We have released the Winter issue of Macierzator.

23 Feb 2015       Święto Pi 2015
j.zwierzynskaWielkimi krokami zbliża się IX Święto Liczby Pi. Tym razem nasz coroczny festiwal nauk ścisłych będzie jednodniowy - zapraszamy w piątek, 13 marca 2015. Szczegółowy harmonogram pojawi się w najbliższych dniach na stronie swietopi.pl.

Wszystkich, którzy chcieliby włączyć się w organizację Święta Pi, serdecznie zapraszam do kontaktu ze mną. Masz pomysł na własne warsztaty? A może masz chęć pomóc, ale nie masz pomysłu jak? Albo po prostu wesprzesz nas w dekorowaniu Instytutu Matematyki? Każda forma mile widziana!

We've published december issue of Macierzator.

17 Dec 2014       Nadanie tytułu doktora honoris causa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
m.biskupZapraszamy zainteresowanych na uroczystość nadania tytułu doktora honoris causa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego profesorowi Rainerowi Waserowi, która odbędzie się 22 stycznia 2015 r. o godz. 11.00 w auli nr 5 na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji.

17 Dec 2014       KNM Christmass meeting
m.biskupWe would like to invite - not only - KNM members to Christmass meeting, which will take place on friday 19.12.2014 after Jola Marzec talk in 524 room.

12 Dec 2014       Christmas fund-raising 2014
j.zwierzynskaAs every year, SMS is organising christmas fund-raising. This year all donations will be given to st. Aldabert's common room by Chopin street in Katowice. We are collecting:
- school accesories (notebooks, cryons, pens, etc.);
- sweets;
- toys;
- cosmetics.
All donations can be put into baskets by lodge in Institute of Mathematics or in SMS room (524). Fund-raising wil last from monday, 15th december 2014 to thursay, 18th december 2014.

There are new photos from XXXVII KNM Session. Feel free to see them and comment!We've published november issue of Macierzator.

6 Nov 2014       Wyjazd na XXXVII Sesję KNM
m.jenczmykOsoby, które chciałyby pojechać kołową grupą na XXXVII Sesję KNM w Szczyrku, zapraszamy jutro w piątek 07.XI.2014 najpóźniej o godzinie 12:30 do pokoju 524. Planujemy wyjechać pociągiem z Katowic o godz. 13.00.

Na stronie Koła w zakładce "Spotkania" pojawiły się zdjęcia z referatu dr. Łukasza Dawidowskiego na temat "Ekstremalnie fajnych równań".

26 Oct 2014       Składka na wyjazd do Szczyrku na XXXVII Sesję KNM-u.
m.biskupWysokość składki, jaka będzie w tym roku obowiązywała na wyjazd na XXXVII Sesję KNM-u w Sczyrku wynosi 150 zł . Składka ta obejmuje koszt noclegów oraz pełnego wyżywienia na pobyt w dniach 07.11-11.11.2014r.
Wszelkie pytania oraz chęć uczestnictwa proszę zgłaszać w pokoju 524 lub kontaktować się z Martyną Biskup poprzez email: m.biskup@knm.katowice.pl.

21 Oct 2014       Foo

9 Oct 2014        Ogólnopolski konkurs matematyczny - Politechnika Łódzka
m.biskup Ogólnopolski konkurs matematyczny dla studentów studiów pierwszego stopnia organizowany przez Koło Nauk Matematycznych Politechniki Łódzkiej.
Konkurs będzie przebiegał w dwóch etapach. Pierwszy etap będzie miał charakter korespondencyjny, natomiast na drugi organizatorzy zapraszają najlepsze osoby do Łodzi. Pierwszy zestaw zadań ukaże się już w październiku. Wszelkie informacje dotyczące konkursu znajdziecie niedługo na stronie koła naukowego Politechniki Łódzkiej oraz ich facebook'owym fanpage'u.

9 Oct 2014       Microsoft Research challenges polish students!
m.biskup„Microsoft Research rzuca wyzwanie polskim studentom!"

Dział Badań i Rozwoju firmy Microsoft, wybrał Polskę jako jeden z trzech krajów, dla których stworzono specjalne wyzwanie w ramach projektu CodeHunt.

Uważasz, że potrafisz programować? Analiza kodu i algorytmy nie są dla Ciebie wyzwaniem? A może po prostu chcesz się sprawdzić? Zachęcamy do pokazania swoich umiejętności w konkursie przygotowanym przez dział Microsoft Research ekskluzywnie dla polskich studentów. Rozwiązując szereg łamigłówek programistycznych masz szansę wygrać jeden z telefonów Lumia lub Xbox One.

Co ważniejsze - to ogromna szansa, aby pochwalić się talentem przed zespołem HR z Redmond, dla którego jest to jeden z etapów rekrutacji na staż wakacyjny w USA.

Pokażmy światu, że polscy studenci potrafią kodować!
Szczegóły : [+]

8 Oct 2014       V Konferencja Matematyki Ubezpieczeń i Inwestycji
m.biskupW dniach 14-16 listopada 2014r. na Wydziale Matematyki i Informatyki UŁ odbędzie się V Konferencja Matematyki Ubezpieczeń i Inwestycji.
Tematem przewodnim konferencji będzie:
„Zmiana trendów w wycenie ryzyka na rynku ubezpieczeń i inwestycji po 2008 roku” więcej –> [+]

We've uploaded list of suggested talks topics for XXXVII SMS session in Szczyrk.

7 Oct 2014       Jedna obrona, dwa dyplomy - studia magisterskie w L'aquilli.
m.biskupPierwszy raz w Instytucie Matematyki UŚ!

Jedna obrona, dwa dyplomy europejskich uczelni
– Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i University of L'Aquila we Włoszech;
szczegóły-> [+]

7 Oct 2014       Stypendium Copernicus
m.biskupSzanowni Państwo,

Copernicus Berlin e.V jest stowarzyszeniem, które co semestr przyznaje stypendia na pobyt w Niemczech studentom z Europy Środkowowschodniej i Azji Środkowej. Nasz zespół tworzy międzynarodowa grupa studentów i wolontariuszy m.in. z Niemiec, Brazylii czy Ukrainy. więcej-> [+]

30 Sep 2014       V edycja Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej w Poznaniu.
l.rakMamy przyjemność ogłosić, że ruszyły zapisy na V edycję Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Metody Ilościowe w Ekonomii.
Wydarzenie odbędzie się w dniach 27-28 listopada 2014 roku na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu.
Zagadnienia konferencji to m. in. analiza big data, statystyka, ekonometria czy instrumenty pochodne.
Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych do odwiedzenia naszej strony okn-mie.pl/ oraz o nadsyłanie formularzy zgłoszeniowych na skrzynkę zgloszenia.okn.mie@gmail.com do dnia 10 listopada 2014r.

30 Sep 2014       XXXVII Sesja Naukowa KNM- jesień 2014
m.biskupSerdecznie zapraszamy członków i sympatyków koła, studentów I roku a także wszystkich zainteresowanych, także niezwiązanych z KNM, do wzięcia udziału w już XXXVII Sesji Naukowej KNM,
która odbędzie się w Szczyrku w dniach 07-11.11.2014 .
Temat przewodni sesji to „Algorytmy”.
Wkrótce ukażą się informacje dotyczące wysokości składki.
Wszelkie pytania proszę kierować na adres: m.biskup@knm.katowice.pl


We have uploaded pictures from Piotrk Idzik's talk on the Crandall-Rabinowitz theorem and its applications.

27 Sep 2014       Międzynaro​dowy Konkurs Fotografic​zny MATHEMATIC​S IN FOCUS
m.biskupW imieniu Komitetu Organizacyjnego V edycji Międzynarodowego Konkursu Fotograficznego MATHEMATICS IN FOCUS mwo.usz.edu.pl zapraszamy serdecznie do udziału w konkursie.
Konkurs, organizowany cyklicznie od roku 2010, ma na celu połączenia świata kultury wizualnej z nauką, popularyzowanie i rozwijanie wiedzy oraz kultury matematycznej. Nowością bieżącej edycji, trwającej do 15 października 2014, jest zwolnienie uczestników z ponoszenia jakichkolwiek kosztów, gdyż wysyłkę odbitek zastąpiono zgłoszeniami za pośrednictwem strony: www.mwo.usz.edu.pl . szczegóły ->[+]

13 Aug 2014       Dziś wręczono Medale Fieldsa
j.zwierzynskaDziś, w czasie ceremonii otwarcia Międzynarodowego Kongresu Matematyków, wręczono Medale Fieldsa. Otrzymały je cztery osoby: Artur Avila, Manjul Bhargava, Martin Hairer i Maryam Mirzakhani. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z sylwetkami laureatów na stronie ICM.

Przypomnijmy, że Medal Fieldsa jest najbardziej prestiżowa nagrodą matematyczną, przyznawaną co cztery lata za wybitne osiągnięcia matematyczne maksymalnie czterem osobom, które nie ukończyły 40 lat.

6 Jul 2014       Zaproszenie na I Ogólnopolską Konferencję Naukową Matematyki Finansowej i Ubezpieczeniowej
m.biskup Stowarzyszenie I love math, Koło Nauk Aktuarialnych oraz Instytut Matematyki Politechniki Łódzkiej zapraszają wszystkich zainteresowanych matematyką finansową i ubezpieczeniową na I Ogólnopolską Konferencję Naukową Matematyki Finansowej i Ubezpieczeniowej, której hasłem przewodnim będzie "Europa po kryzysie finansowym", która odbędzie się w dniach:
13-16 listopada 2014r. w Borkach k/Kielc. Więcej informacji znajduje się na stronie konferencja.imath.pl/

6 May 2014       Kółko aktuarialne
r.kucharskiW najbliższy czwartek o godzinie 14:00 (tj. 8 maja) w sali 231 odbędzie się kółko dla osób zainteresowanych egzaminami aktuarialnymi. Zajęcia poprowadzi dr Rafał Kucharski. Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych!

6 May 2014       Proponowany wyjazd na sesję KNM
m.wnetrzakOsoby, które chciałyby pojechać całą kołową grupą pociągiem na sesję KNM w Szczyrku, zapraszamy w piątek o godzinie 14.15 do pokoju 524. Planujemy pojechać razem pociągiem o 15.07.

6 May 2014       Spotkanie z drem Nutefe Kwami Agbeko
m.szymanski7 maja o godzinie 16:00 w sali 231 odbędzie się spotkanie z drem Nutefe Kwami Agbeko, który jest gościem Opiekuna KNM dra hab. Włodzimierza Fechnera.

14 Apr 2014       Zmiana terminu Sesji KNM
m.biskupUwaga! Ważne!

Termin tegorocznej sesji letniej KNM-u został przeniesiony z 16.05-18.05.2014 na 9.05-11.05.2014r.

1 Apr 2014       Zmiana daty referatu
m.szymanskiZ powodu wyjazdu do Będlewa II roku matematyki referat "O pewniku wyboru" zostaje przeniesiony.

21 Mar 2014       Propozycje tematów na Sesję Letnią KNM UŚ
m.biskupDoktor Rafał Kucharski przygotował listę propozycji tematów, wskazówek i porad dla osob, które chciałyby wygłosić referat na zbliżającej się sesji KNM. Prezentujemy ją poniżej (należy kliknąć w "plusik"). Tematy są podzielone pod względem poziomu trudności, tak więc liczymy, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Oczywiście można też wygłosić referat spoza listy.[+]

20 Mar 2014       Spring SMS Sesion
m.biskupWe would like to invite members, supporters and everybody concerned to take part in XXXVI SMS Session which will take place in Szczyrk in days 09-11.05.2014. The theme of this Session is "Sploty i transformaty". Cost of the participation (accomodation + food) is 80 zł. You can pay conference fee to Martyna Biskup, up to 30 april 2014. That date is also registration (and also presentation registration) deadline. Presentation isn't requied to take part, but we strongly encourage to prepare talk.

15 Mar 2014       Thank you all!
j.zwierzynskaDear all,

I would like to thank once more to all of you, who took part in organisation of Pi Days. Thank you for giving the lectures, organising workshops, preparing Pi-Macierzator, decorating and cleaning...

14 Mar 2014       Warsztaty z SAGE'a
m.trzesiokSerdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych na warsztaty komputerowe dotyczące platformy Sage. Poprowadzi je dr Michał Trzęsiok. Warsztaty odbędą się 28.03.2014 o godz. 16.00. Numer sali podamy wkrótce. Na warsztatach omówione zostaną podstawowe funkcje pakietu SAGE - do udziału w nich nie jest wymagana jakakolwiek wcześniejsza wiedza. Nie trzeba przynosić ze sobą sprzętu komputerowego; dr Michał Trzęsiok przywiezie ze sobą 20 netbooków. Zapraszamy!

13 Mar 2014       Pi Day 2014
m.stolorzIt's today! We would like to remind, that today and tommorow on Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry US we organise Pi Day. More informations - particulary detailed harmonogram - you can find on official web page - swietopi.pl. We encourage you to take part!

20 Feb 2014       PI-Macierzator
j.zwierzynskaTraditionally, during Pi Days we are going to publish special issue of [Macierzator]. It will be adressed mainly to high school-age students, also those, who just begin their adventure in math, or even were never intrested in it. We seek for authors of articles, they can pertain to intresting exercises, logic puzzles, famous mathematicians... It's crushial, that articles shoud be matched to knowledge and abilities of high school students. We are waiting for artiles up to sunday, 2nd march 2014.

Ze względu na remont instalacji elektrycznej w budynku, w którym stoi jeden z naszych serwerów, większość kołowych zdjęć i nagrań będzie niedostępna do połowy lutego lub dłużej. Za niedogodności bardzo przepraszamy.

20 Jan 2014       Święto Pi 2014
j.zwierzynskaRozpoczynamy przygotowania do tegorocznego Święta Pi! Tradycyjnie planujemy szereg wykładów, warsztatów, konkursów. Wszystkich członków i sypatyków Koła, którzy chcieliby włączyć się w organizację tego przedsięwzięcia, proszę o wpisanie się na wywieszoną w pokoju KNM (524) listę. Można też zgłaszać się bezpośrednio do mnie. Mile widziana każda forma aktywności: własny pomysł na nowy wykład czy warsztaty, poprowadzenie zajęć, które już były w latach ubiegłych, a także po prostu chęć pomocy - jeśli nie masz pomysłu na to, co mogłoby być Twoim zadaniem, pomożemy Ci znaleźć dla siebie coś, co da Ci satysfakcję.

13 Jan 2014       Referaty dla licealistów
m.szymanskiSerdecznie zapraszam wszystkich tych, którzy mają pomysł, czas i chęci na wygłoszenie referatu dla licealistów - naprawdę nie ma czego się obawiać, a tematyka jest wybierana przez samego prowadzącego. Jeżeli chcesz się podzielić czymś ciekawym - nie wahaj się!

Pytanie o szczegóły można kierować do mnie: adres mailowy podany jest w moim profilu.

7 Jan 2014       Wykład im. Profesora Andrzeja Lasoty
j.zwierzynskaW piątek, 10 stycznia 2014, o godzinie 15.30, odbędzie się Wykład im. Profesora Andrzeja Lasoty, podczas którego Professor Tien-Yien Li (Michigan State University, USA) wygłosi wykład "Solving polynomial systems". Spotkanie odbędzie się w sali 227 Instytutu Matematyki UŚ i jest otwarte dla wszystkich - gorąco zachęcamy więc członków i sympatyków Koła do wysłuchania Profesora Li.

18 Dec 2013       Spotkanie opłatkowe
m.szymanskiW czwartek (19.12.2013) po godzinie 15:00 odbędzie się kołowe spotkanie opłatkowe, na które zaproszeni wszyscy członkowie KNM (i nie tylko!). Podczas tego spotkania symbolicznie podzielimy się opłatkami i przekażemy wzajemnie dobre słowo.

Bardzo mile widziane, chociaż oczywiście nieobowiązkowe, jest przynoszenie własnych wypieków tudzież innych potraw.

25 Nov 2013       Great christmas fund-raising
m.biskupWe would like to inform, that from 02.12.2013 to 06.12.2013 ther will be traditional christmas fund-raising, organised by SMS. This year all donations will be given to orphanage No 4 in Sosnowiec.

All donations will be collected in SMS room (524) or baskets placed in faculty buildings.

We encourage to take part!

12 Nov 2013       Session
j.zwierzynskaOn saturday, 16 November 2013, there will be session organized for 100th anniversary of prof. Jan Mikusiński birth and 60th anniversary of Silesian Department of Polish Mathematical Society. Session will begin at 10 AM, in 227 room of Institute of Mathematics of Silesian University; talks will be given by doctor Krystyna Skórnik, prof. Andrzej Schinzel, prof. Andrzej Kamiński, prof. Roman Ger, prof. Maciej Sablik.
Detailed schedule can be found on http://www.math.us.edu.pl/ptm/aktualnosci/Zaproszenie_Sesja_16.11.2013.pdf. Session is open also for students, we encourage to participate.

12 Nov 2013       Kołowe spotkanie referatowo-filmowe
d.kreftaSerdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich członków i sympatyków koła na kołowy wieczorek referatowo-filmowy, które odbędzie się w najbliższy piątek 15.11.2013 o godzinie 16:00. Rozpoczynamy referatem Mateusza Szymańskiego "Niektóre sofizmaty matematyczne" Po referacie planowane jest wspólne oglądanie filmu - osoby zainteresowane jego wyborem prosimy o kontakt ze mną.

Wreszcie są - wszystkie zdjęcia z sesji "Historia matematyki"! Miłego oglądania.

We have uploaded pictures from the KNM talk ”Maxwell's equations and optical fibers” delivered by Piotr Idzik.

24 Oct 2013       Apel przedstawicieli Instytutu Matematycznego UWr
j.zwierzynskaWklejamy apel przekazany przez kadrę naukową Instytutu Matematycznego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego na ręce Dyrektora naszego Instytutu z prośbą o jego rozpowszechnienie wśród studentów i doktorantów:

"Szanowny Panie Profesorze.
Czy zechcialby Pan to wyslac ponizszy list do wszystkich pracownikow wydzialu i poprosic jakichs młodych ludzi by to umiescili na forach studenckich?

Drogie Koleżnaki i Koledzy.

Nasz doktorant Kamil Duszenko, wybitnie utalentowany młody matematyk zachorował na białaczkę.
Jego rodzina i nasz Instytut (Wrocław) apelują do wszystkich by rejestrowali się jako dawcy szpiku. To jest bardzo proste i niczego nie nalezy się bać. Znam osobę, która jest dawcą i może rozwiać wątpliwości. Załączam link do strony www. (...)

Z wyrazami szacunku,
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Damek,
Instytut Matematyczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

24 Oct 2013       Notes from the lecture
m.szymanskiI have prepared some notes for everyone who cannot attend the meeting tomorrow (25.10.2013); it contains sketchy description of the problem (proofs included)

Most likely the file is to be updated, here you will find the most recent version:

15 Oct 2013       Wspólna podróż na sesję KNM
j.zwierzynskaWszystkie osoby, które jadą na jesienną sesję KNM UŚ, zachęcamy do wspólnej podróży pociągiem. Planujemy ruszyć z Katowic o 14.31 (ponieważ wiele osób pytało, czy możemy jechać wcześniej, zmieniliśmy godzinę z 15.58 na 14.31). Spotykamy się przy wejściu głównym na dworzec o 14.15.

2 Oct 2013       Zapisy na jesienną sesję KNM ruszyły!
j.zwierzynskaSerdecznie zachęcamy członków i sympatyków koła, a także wszystkich zainteresowanych, także niezwiązanych z KNM, do wzięcia udziału w jesiennej sesji koła w Szczyrku (18-20.10.2013). Zgłoszenia przyjmujemy do piątku, 11 października 2013. Koszt wyjazdu (noclegi + wyżywienie) to 80 zł. Zawnioskowaliśmy do samorządu o dofinansowanie sesji - jeśli je otrzymamy, kwota ta zostanie zmniejszona. Składkę zbiera Marek Biedrzycki, do 14 października 2013. Do tego też dnia należy zgłosić temat referatu. Wygłoszenie go nie jest warunkiem koniecznym do wzięcia udziału w sesji, ale jest bardzo mile widziane. Więcej informacji znajduje się w odpowiedniej zakładce.

30 Sep 2013       Exemplary literature for the fall session of SMS
j.zwierzynskaThe SMS outgoing session is in three weeks - time to prepare talks! A few days ago we uploaded our suggested topics. Today we add the proposed literature, courtesy of Joanna Zwierzyńska.

23 Sep 2013       Topic propositions for the fall SMS session
m.jurczynskiThe outgoing session of SMS is in (almost) a month! We encourage those who would like to give a talk but do not have an idea for a topic to check our suggested talk topics, prepared by the participants of one of the previous SMS sessions.

26 Aug 2013       The leading topic for the fall session of SMS confirmed!
j.zwierzynskaWe'd like to inform you that the next, XXXV outgoing session of SMS US will take place on 18-20th October 2013 (Friday-Sunday) in the US resort in Szczyrk. The leading topic is "History of mathematics". Estimated cost for one person (accommodation+food) is 80-90zł; one can already register for participation. Preparing a talk very much encouraged :) See you there!

After some trouble with our server we've finally uploaded pictures from the SMS Outgoing Session "Game theory".

19 Jun 2013       Society's game-movie night
j.zwierzynskaWe would like to invite all members and fans of the Society for a meeting which will take place on Saturday, 22nd June 2013, at 16.00 at the Institute of Mathematics US. We are planning an evening of games and movies. People who would like to propose the movie should contact Dawid Krefta, while those interested in providing food (sandwiches?) - with me. See you there!

14 Jun 2013       Joanna Zwierzyńska - UŚ Student of the Year!
m.jurczynskiThe ceremony of awarding the HM Rector UŚ distinctions took place on 7th June 2013. This distinction can be received only once in a lifetime for the entirety of one's activity at the University of Silesia in one of several categories (art activities, sports achievements, student life initiation). Seven such distinctions were awarded in the category "Scientific and popular scientific activities", including a special one for remarkably exceptional and numerous achievements. We are pleased to announce that this special distinction was awarded to a student of the II year of Master studies, a very active Society's member for five years now - Joanna Zwierzyńska.

At the same time a popular voting for the Student/Doctoral Student of the Year took place for the first time. As voted by the students, Joanna Zwierzyńska received this award as well. Congratulations for Ania and let this be one of many successes to come!

We are especially pleased about this recognition of Ania's achievements as her modus operandi in the Society was to always be the silent hero behind pretty much everything we've undertaken in the past five years. We are very happy that it was noticed and maybe these awards express at least part of the gratitude we as a Society owe to Ania. Congratulations!

5 Jun 2013       Change of one of the Friday talks!
j.zwierzynskaWe are changing the schedule of the Friday talks - due to Paweł Białas' illness, his SVD talk will be postponed (probably for the next academic year). Therefore the talk on 14.15 will be given by Mateusz Szymański, who will tell us about multifunctions. Everyone interested is sincerely invited!

3 Jun 2013       SMS Session - talks and payments
j.zwierzynskaThe session is almost here. I'd like to remind everyone about giving the topics of the talks - we wouldn't want several people to prepare a talk on the same topic. It's best to give the topics directly to me, in person or by e-mail (joanna@knm.katowice.pl).

Those who have not yet paid for the session, please do so as soon as possible; it's best to contact Marek Biedrzycki about this matter.

We've uploaded some proposed topics for the upcoming SMS Outgoing Session "Game theory".

We've uploaded materials for Mateusz Szymański's talk for high school students "To see the fourth dimension" - a program visualising the four-dimensional cube made my himself.

15 May 2013       SMS Outgoing Session - some information
j.zwierzynskaWe've uploaded some information about the upcoming outgoing session of SMS. The cost (accommodation and meals included) is 80 zł per person. We accept submissions until 24th May 2013. See you there!

We've uploaded pictures from Paweł Białas' talk on quantum mechanics. We've uploaded the two newest issues of Macierzator.

We've uploaded pictures from Jola Marzec's talk on representation theory of finite groups.

11 May 2013       XXXIV Outgoing Session of SMS UŚ
j.zwierzynskaWe would like to invite everybody (students, lecturers, pupils) for the XXXII outgoing scientific session of the SMS US, which will take place on 14-16th June 2013. The leading topic is Game Theory.
The conference is for students, but all high school pupils are welcome as well. Giving a talk is not obligatory, but highly encouraged. More information will follow.

We've uploaded pictures from the last Society talk.

13 Mar 2013       Pi-Day Time competition - results
m.jurczynskiJury has chosen the winners of the Pi-Day Time competition. The participants faced logical puzzles and kakuro. As it turns out, the problems may have been a little bit too difficult ;) After long discussions we award the following prizes:

I prize: Adrian Łukasik
II prize: none
Distinction award: Łukasz Dutka

We congratulate all the participants and invite them to try again next year - we promise the problems will be a little bit easier ;)

The prizes will be awarded during the prize award session on Friday, 15th March 2013. More information: swietopi.pl.

12 Mar 2013       Decorating the Institute before the Pi Days
j.zwierzynskaAs we do every year, we would like to invite everybody to decorate the Institute of Mathematics for the Pi Days. We will be able to decorate the rooms after classes, so we meet at 4pm in 524. Of course, one can arrive a little bit later. Everyone who has their own workshop is responsible for their room - hanging posters, fractals, arranging tables, etc. Every help is welcome, also from people not participating in any activities during the Pi Days - there is a lot of work to be done...

6 Mar 2013       Pi-Day Time competition begins!
m.jurczynskiWe would like to encourage all students to participate in the Pi-DayTime competition. At http://www.swietopi.pl/download/PidejWieczorowaPora.pdf you will find various riddles and puzzles. We await your answers (with justifications) until 12th March, 23.59, at konkurs@knm.katowice.pl. Detailed rules of the competition may be found at swietopi.pl. Have fun!

4 Mar 2013       Pi Days schedule available
j.zwierzynskaThe schedule for this year's Pi Days may be found on swietopi.pl. There may be some small changes and shifts; in several hours the schedule should be final.

We remind you about the competitions: the problems for Epigramat are available online now. On 6th March the problems for "Pi-Day time competition" will be published, which will have the form of various riddles, answers to which should be sent by e-mail. We encourage everybody to participate!

26 Feb 2013       We invite you for competitions on Pi Days!
m.stolorzAs is our annual tradition, aside from workshops and lectures we organise competitions on Pi Days. One of them is Epigramat, which first stage is starting right now. More information on swietopi.pl/epigramat.php. Information on more competitions will be published shortly. We encourage everybody to take part!

25 Feb 2013       Organisation meeting - Pi Days 2013
j.zwierzynskaEveryone interested in helping organising this year's Pi Days are invited for the mathematical organisation meeting, which will take place on Thursday, 28th February 2012 at 11 am in the Society's room (524).

During the meeting we will discuss the final schedule of the mathematical part of Pi Days, we will distribute the tasks and discuss the talks and workshops. All help is welcome: if you have no idea what you could do, come to us! Surely we will find something for you in one of the workshop rooms.

As I know some of you have classes at that time, I will be in the Society's room from 10 am to 12 - if those hours are not suitable as well, e-mail me at: joanna@knm.katowice.pl.

We've uploaded the January issue of Macierzator, including: Euler factorial interpolation, "The Number Mysteries" review and on graphics in TeX.

We also added an article from the February issue to our electronic version: it's about the possibility to go to Amsterdam for your final year of Master studies. As the deadline for handing in the documents is upon us, we decided to publish the article already. We encourage everybody to consider the trip!

19 Jan 2013       Preparations for Pi Days 2013 begun!
j.zwierzynskaThis year's Pi Days will take place on 14-15 March 2013. Traditionally we are planning to organise a plethora of lectures, competitionos, workshops. Everyone interested in organising the Pi Days, please contact me.

It is very important to create a budget for the Pi Days - we are planning to do so in the coming days. Therefore those planning to organise workshops with financial requirements (e.g. to buy origami paper, xero or print materials etc.), please contact me as soon as possible.

18 Jan 2013       Award for Szymon Draga in the Marcinkiewicz competition!
j.zwierzynskaWe are happy to announce that Szymon Draga (currently a II year student of his Master's studies) got a recognition award in the prestigious Józef Marcinkiewicz competition for a best student mathematics paper. Jury of the competition rewarded his paper "Regularity of the graphs of injective additive functions", published last year in Aequationes Mathematicae. Congratulations to Szymon and we hope for many more scientific successes!

5 Jan 2013       VI Lecture in memory of prof. Andrzej Lasota
j.zwierzynskaOn Friday, 11th January 2013, the Vi Lecture in memory of prof. Andrzej Lasota will take place. Prof. dr hab. Łukasz Stettner from the Polish Academy of Sciences will give a talk entitled "Ergodicity of filtration processes - on an error for many years and attempts to correct it". The lecture will take place in the Facultyy Council room (227) at 15.30. Everyone interested is kindly invited to attend - the meeting is open for all.

We've uploaded the December issue of Macierzator.

We've uploaded a script from Mateusz Szymański's talk "Introduction to game theory".We've updated the script of Mateusz Szymański's talk on Turing machines.We would like to give our most sincere thanks to everybody who took part in this year's Christmas fundraising. All gifts will be given to children from the orphanage in Piekary Śląskie. We've uploaded some pictures from the fundraising.

28 Dec 2012       Professor Andrzej Lasota's death sixth anniversary
j.zwierzynskaSix years ago, on 28th December 2006,

Prof. zw. dr. hab. Andrzej Lasota,

one of the greatest Polish mathematicians,
a Honoris Causa doctor of the University of Silesia,
an active member of Polish Academy of Science,
an active member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
a many-year Professor of the University of Silesia,
died. Polish science suffered an irreparable loss.

We remember You, Professor!

In relation to fifth anniversary of prof. Andrzej Lasota's death, the website of SMS will have a black&white layout in the days 28-31 December 2011 and in the upper left corner His picture will be visible. A memory about the Professor is available in a special issue of Macierzator.

20 Dec 2012       Death of Mikołaj Stańczyk

Good bye, Friend.

Information for those who want to say goodbye to Mikołaj.

Anyone who'd like to chip in for the flowers please contact me (e.g. at j.zwierzynska@knm.katowice.pl).

We've uploaded pictures from Mateusz Szymański's high school talk.

19 Dec 2012       Society's Christmas meeting
m.biedrzyckiAs is our annual tradition, directly before Christmas we'd like to share the wafer. We would like to invite all members of SMS, former and current, and also anybody interested to spend some time together and talk. The Christmas meeting will take place on Friday (21st December) at 15.00. All guests, also late ones, are welcome! At 16.30 Mateusz Szymański's talk on game theory will take place.

We will be in the Society's room earlier, from around 14.15 - come by earlier to help us prepare the meeting.

16 Dec 2012       Results of the 50th issue of [Macierzator] competition
j.zwierzynskaWe are delighted that so many people took part in our contest. The solutions were accepted until yesterday; today we announce the winners.

The most difficult riddle was the Sherlock Holmes one, with only one person - Magdalena Chroboczek - giving a full and correct answer. As Magda also solved flawlessly all the other riddles, she is our winner. Congratulations!

There were many contenders for the second prize. With eight points out of nine our second award goes to Ania Jacek, to whom we also direct our sincerest congratulations!

Magda and Ania, please contact me, as your rewards (both tomes of Professor Stewart's "Cabinet of Mathematical Curosities") await :)

We've uploaded materials for the next Circle meeting, prepared by Mateusz Szymański.

2 Dec 2012       Christmas fundraising
s.mikolajWe'd like to announce that on 3-7th December 2012 the traiditional Christmas fundraising will take place, organised annually by the Students' Mathematical Society of US. This year our presents will be given to children from the orphanage in Piekary Śląskie (mainly adolescents). We are collecting:

- school materials;
- cosmetics;
- games;
- bathing products;
- toys.

We are encouraging everyone to participate!

In case of any questions please contact Marek Biedrzycki (m.biedrzycki@knm.katowice.pl), who coordinates the fundraising.

We'd like to encourage everyone to read our special, 50th issue of [Macierzator]. It begins with an article about recently deceased Joram Lindenstrauss - an exceptional mathematician specialising in the Banach space theory - and his extraordinary research achievements. We also continue our ongoing cycles with a new part of the TeX corner and a new mathematical book review. And, as it is our jubilee, we also give you a competition with mathematical puzzles. Have a nice read!

We've uploaded a script of Szymon Draga's talk "Diophantine approximation". This talk was chosen as the best student talk during our XXXIII Outgoing Session "Number theory and cryptography". It is worthwhile to mention that it's not the first time Szymon got this award - he also had the best talk "On Hausdorff measure" during our session "Motivations, intuitions, constructions". Congratulations!

We've uploaded pictures from the outgoing SMS session "Number theory and cryptography".

We've uploaded a script of the "Turing machines" high school talk, made by the talk's author - Mateusz Szymański.

We've uploaded a list of references and possible topics, which may be of use for people planning to prepare a talk for the November session.

We've uploaded some details about the upcoming SMS Outgoing session.

31 Oct 2012       Macierzator 049
j.zwierzynskaWe've uploaded the October issue of Macierzator. From the introduction:

„[Macierzator] begins with an article on functions continuous in at least one point (of which there are surprisingly few). We welcome the new academic year with a new monthly cycle of reviews of books popularising high mathematics. We also give you the next part of the TeX corner, where we tell you how to create tables in TeX; we remind you that all the archival parts of the corner may be found at knm.katowice.pl/macierzator.php.
We encourage you to look around the [Macierzator] archives – one can not only find a plethora of interesting articles on mathematics and mathematicians, but also good advice on, for example, writing e-mails to your lecturers (Macierzator 30)."

22 Oct 2012       XXXIII SMS Session - Number theory & cryptography
j.zwierzynskaWe'd like to invite everyone to participate in the XXXIII Outgoing Session of the SMS US, which will take place on 23-25th November 2012. Our leading topic is number theory and cryptography. This year the conference will NOT take place in Szczyrk, but in Ustroń. Our estimated cost (accommodation + food) is 60 zł per person. More information to follow.

We've uploaded pictures from Mikołaj Stańczyk's talk „Paths and cycles in graphs - the main problems and algorithms".We've uploaded pictures from Marcin Fryz's talk on minimal polynomials.

14 Oct 2012       Global Management Challenge Poland!
m.stolorzWe are forwarding some information which may be interesting to you:
Everybody is invited to participate in the Global Management Challenge! GMC is the biggest business simulation in the world. Teams consisting of 3-5 people, created by students (II-V year) and company representatives) start in the competition. Each team assumes the role of the board of directors of a virtual company, and because of it is responsible for making the strategic decisions in all the areas of the company's life. The main criterion of winning in the competition is attaining the highest stock value at the virtual stock market. On 19th October the registration of student teams for the GMC Poland competition will begin.More information atwww.gmcpoland.pl.

8 Oct 2012       Anna Jacek in SMS board of directors
j.zwierzynskaIt's my pleasure to announce that Anna Jacek became the assistant administrative president of SMS for the next two years. We wish her lots of pleasure and satisfaction from working in our board of directors - of course, she may count on our constant support and help and advice, as needed. Good luck :)

30 Sep 2012       New SMS board of directors
j.zwierzynskaThe new academic year is also a good time to change the board of directors of SMS for a fresh perspective. Since 1 October 2012 the new director of SMS is Marek Biedrzycki and his scientific assistant is Mateusz Szymański. We wish all the best to the new board and we will happily help and advise you in whatever you need. Good luck!

We've uploaded a recording from Marcin Fryz's talk on inequalities.

24 Jun 2012       ACAMiMM 2012 - recruitment is open!
j.zwierzynskaIn last year's September nine members of the Students' Mathematical Society US took part in the summer intensive mathematical course - Analytical and Computer Assisted Methods in Mathematical Models. The ACAMiMM project is three years long, but unfortunately for us, the participants from the previous year, every student may take part in it only once.

This year the intensive course is held in Germany, Schwarzwald, in the city Freudenstadt, from 9th to 23rd September 2012. Its participants will be able to get even 6 ECTS points. More information may be found on our "Other outings" subpage.

We would like to encourage all students from all years to participate - last year we had some participants from the first year and they did great. All questions may be sent to my e-mail address (j.zwierzynska@knm.katowice.pl); applications may be also sent to this address. The deadline for applications is 8th July 2012. The results of the recruitment process will be announced shortly after. It's worth it!

We've uploaded a recording of the "On Pascal's theorem" talk for high school students, given by Marcin Fryz.We've uploaded some pictures from the "Functions" meeting of our circle, tutored by Marcin Fryz. We remind you that on the "Materials" subpage the problems which were being solved on the meeting may be found. The problems were chosen by Marcin.

We've uploaded a recording of the talk "Implementation of the world in mathematics", given by Piotr Idzik.We've uploaded a recording of the talk for high school students "On axiomatisation - from naive set theory to the ZFC system", given by Mikołaj Stańczyk.We've uploaded pictures from Mikołaj Fryz's talk for high school students "The Parade of Inequalities".We've uploaded pictures from the "Angles in a circle" meeting of the olympean circle, tutored by Marcin Fryz.

We've uploaded materials for todays talk for students, prepared by Marcin Fryz.

12 Jun 2012       Next meeting of the members-reanimators and not only them
j.zwierzynskaWe would like to invite all historical and current members of the Society for this academic year's last meeting of the members-reanimators of SMS and not only them, which will take place on Wednesday, 20th June 2012, at 16.30. We are meeting, as usual, in room 228 of the Institute of Mathematics of US in Katowice.

We've uploaded pictures from today's talk for high school students, entitled "On Pascal's theorem", which was given by Marcin Fryz.We've uploaded the script of today's talk for high school students, prepared by Marcin Fryz.


We've uploaded the April issue of Macierzator.We've also uploaded the May issue of Macierzator.

28 May 2012       SMS Session - schedule
j.zwierzynskaMy dearest, due to the exam session approaching, this once we are changing our traditional schedule of the Szczyrk outgoing session. Instead of the classical talk day on Saturday, we will have a whole day excursion (for those eager to do so), while the talks will take place on Friday and Saturday evening.

24 May 2012       The Society's talk is moved!
j.zwierzynskaAttention! Due to popular demand, the next lecture on Banach algebras, which was to take place tomorrow, will be moved - most probably for October; then we're planning to intensively return to this talk cycle.

We've uploaded pictures from prof. Wolfgang Reichel's visit. Let the watching and commenting begin!

18 May 2012       XXXII SMS Session
m.jurczynskiWe would like to invite everybody (students, lecturers, pupils) for the XXXII outgoing scientific session of the SMS US, which will take place on 1-3 June 2012. The leading topic is Algorithms. Applications are accepted up to 30th May 2012 (e.g. on the address knm@knm.katowice.pl). More information is available at the subpage "Sessions".

17 May 2012       Symposium on time with literary scholars
j.zwierzynskaOn next Wednesday, 23rd May 2012, the II Symposium of the Students' Mathematical Society and the Scientific Society of the Antropology of Literature US will take place. Its leading topic is "To tell the time"; the opening talk, entitled "Aspects of time in »Lalka«:, will be given by dr hab. Ryszard Koziołek. We begin at 14.00 in room 301 of the Faculty of Filology US in Katowice (Sejm Śląski Sq).

6 May 2012       Professor Wolfgang Reichel's visit - schedule
j.zwierzynskaDuring the next week Professor Wolfgang Reichel from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will be a guest in our Institute. Hence we planned a multitude of all kinds of events: from talks to excursions. We would like to invite all interested to participate in them. In particular we point out the Thursday talks.

The schedule can be downloaded here in pdf format, or read by clicking on the plus sign. [+]

3 May 2012       Professor Wolfgang Reichel's visit (6-12 May 2012)
j.zwierzynskaIt is my pleasure to announce that Professor Wolfgang Reichel from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will be our guest in the Institute of Mathematics US. Professor Reichel is an exceptional specialist in partial differential equations. He is particularly close to people from our Institute: students from the Society made their acquaintance with him during the mathematical intensive course, which took place during the last holidays; there also the idea to invite him to Katowice was born. To our pleasure, Professor Reichel accepted our invitation. Due to his visit we are planning several talks and meetings; a detailed schedule will be uploaded on the website shortly. We remember Professor Reichel's talks during the intensive course as particularly interesting, transparent and witty – therefore we encourage all interested to participate actively in the events planned for the Professor's visit even more.

Professor Reichel made us a great and incredibly kind surprise a few months back: for the cover of the first issue of [Macierzator] in this academic year we have chosen his drawing. To our joyful astonishment, Professor Reichel pasted part of the cover and described the whole situation on his official Institute website (math.kit.edu/…/~reichel/).

I would like to give my sincerest thanks here to Professor Roman Ger, Head of the Institute of Mathematics US, for his incredible kindness, invaluable help and a very supportive attitude toward the whole initiative.

We've uploaded materials from today's talk of Mateusz szymański on derivatives of fractional degree. Unfortunately the file is quite big, so it can load for some time.

7 Apr 2012       Happy Easter!
m.jurczynskiWe would like to wish you all restful and calm holidays - may this time period be full of joy and let you recharge your batteries.

Happy Easter!

31 Mar 2012       Results of 22nd Annual Vojtěch Jarnik Competition
j.zwierzynskaYesterday in Ostrava the Vojtech Jarnik international mathematical competition took place. University of Silesia was represented by three SMS' members: Szymon Draga, Konrad Jałowiecki and Paweł Zwoleński. Szymon scored the best with 21 points and a great, 12th place. Congratulations to our three brave men!

31 Mar 2012       Invitation for IX KNM Camp
m.biedrzyckiThis year we will again organise our (ninth already!) Summer Camp.
As the year before, it will take place in Zakopane, most probably on 9th-15th July.
This year's leading topic is "Applications of the probability theory".
As is our tradition, we would like to spend our camp actively. Hence several mountain trips, walks around Zakopane and several talks are planned.
The exact schedule of the trip will be given after Easter.
We estimate the costs of the camp at 200 zł per person.
For more information click the plus -> [+]

29 Mar 2012       Pi Days summarum meeting
j.zwierzynskaIn the name of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry US, prof. dr hab. Maciej Sablik, we would like to invite everybody who took part in organisation of this year's Pi Days for its festive summation, which will take place on Wednesday, 4th April 2012, at 12 in the US Institute of Physics' cafe.

At the same time we would like to remind you that for some time already recordings from the majority of talks given during the Pi Days have been made available to the public along with a word of thanks for those who helped with organising the mathematical part.

17 Mar 2012       Pi Days are over!
j.zwierzynskaWe would like to give our sincerest thanks to all our visitors during the Pi Days - we are happy that we again were able to entertain so many of you. We would be very grateful for your opinions on the whole event and particular activities; praise is pleasant and advice allows us to develop what was not perfect. If you would like to share your opinion, please contact us (e.g. on knm@knm.katowice.pl). You can also share your comment on the appropriate webpage.

We also encourage everyone to watch and comment the pictures (to place a comment, click the plus sign in the bottom right corner of each picture). We would also be happy to publish any pictures made by you - if you would like to share them, please contact us (e.g. at knm@knm.katowice.pl).

We've uploaded pictures from the mathematical part of this year's Pi Days. Let the watching and commenting begin!

The final preparations for this year's Pi Days are done - the first pictures have thus been uploaded on the website. All people who will take pictures during the Pi Days and would like to have them published, please contact us at info@swietopi.pl.

10 Mar 2012       Pi Days competitions
m.jurczynskiWe would like to remind everyone that there are many competitions taking place during the Pi Days - the deadlines for applications for some of them expires shortly. As is our yearly tradition we are planning the interdisciplinar Tour de Science, during which the participants will face problems from different branches of science in rooms located throughout our faculty (and to get to these rooms additional riddles will have to be solved). For those not necessarily eager to go sightseeing in the University we are planning a Pi-Crossowrd, during which the participants will have to use their mathematical knowledge (also from the history of mathematics). We also repeat the last year's hit - Who Wants to be a Pillionaire. This last competition is open to everyone - you can always join and do not need to sign up in advance.

10 Mar 2012       Pi Days 2012 - almost there!
j.zwierzynskaPi Days 2012 in just three days! All interested pupils, students, teachers and those not related to mathematics at all are sincerely invited to the Institute of Mathematics US on 14th and 15th March. We have lectures, workshops and competitions scheduled, some simpler, some harder, for those wanting to hear and for those wanting to take active part. We'll see you there!
The full schedule of the Pi Days may be found at swietopi.pl.

22 Feb 2012       The first version of the Pi Days schedule available!
m.stolorzAt swietopi.pl a nearly complete schedule of the Pi Days, held this year in the Institute of Mathematics US at 14th and 15th March 2012, has been made available. We sincerely invite everyone interested to participate in our lectures, workshops and competitions! Of course, all activities organised by SMS are as always free of charge and opened for everyone.


17 Feb 2012       e-pi-graMAT competition
m.jurczynskiWe sincerely invite the high school students to participate in the e-pi-graMAT competition, held annually in connection with the Pi Days in our INstitute. The competition consists of the internet part and the finals, which will take place 15th March 2012 in the Institute of Mathematics of US.

There are 10 problems from various areas of mathematics available at swietopi.pl/epigramat . Their solutions should be sent by 29th February. The results of the internet stage will be announced on 6th March 2012.

The regulations and more information about the competition may be found at swietopi.pl/epigramat.php.

15 Feb 2012       PhD defense Michał Trzęsiok
m.stolorzWe announce that on 17th February 2012 at 12:00 the PhD defense of one of the historic Society's members - msc. (for now) Michał Trzęsiok - will take place. The title of his thesis is "Support vector method in the analysis of social-economic data". We wish Michał good luck!

12 Feb 2012       Pi Days - one month left!
j.zwierzynskaWe are slowly finalizing the schedule of this year's Pi Days, which will traditionally take place in the middle of March. As per our yearly tradition, we've prepared a multitude of workshops and lectures - a detailed schedule will appear at swietopi.pl around 20th February. We encourage everyone to participate in the Pi Days, especially our students to participate actively: those who would like to help in the organisation, please contact us at, for example, j.zwierzynska@knm.katowice.pl. Those who would like to help but do not have an idea for their own lecture or workshops are also welcome - we need every pair of hands and we will always find something you can help us with. Of course you do not need to be a member of the Society - we are happy with every help we can get, regardless of their chosen branch of studies.

3 Feb 2012       Next talks for students - 17th and 24th February 2012
j.zwierzynskaDue to winter holidays (and the exam session on the university) we've decided, that the next talk for the high school students (and not only them) will take place on 17th February 2012. Then Mikołaj Stańczyk will give a talk "Real numbers". Our next talk will take place a week later, 24th February 2012, and it will be given by Paweł Zwoleński. Both talks will, as traditional, commence at 16.15 in room 213 in the Institute of Mathematics US (Katowice, Bankowa street 14) and are of course free of charge. Everyone interested is wholeheartedly invited!

We have uploaded some pictures taken during today's symposium „The desire of Space. Mathema and humanitas”.


13 Jan 2012       Symposium on spaces with literary scholars
j.zwierzynskaWe would like to invite everyone to the I Symposium of the Scientific Society of the Antropology of Literature US and the Students' Mathematical Society US, entitled „The desire of Space. Mathema and humanitas".

Prof. Jerzy Mioduszewski, a professor of mathematics interested in topology and a history of mathematics passionate, will open the meeting with a talk "Topological space". After the talk a discussion will take place, in which dr Leszek Zwierzyński - a literary scholar, interested in, among others, interpretation, geopoetics and hermeneutics, the tutor of the Society of Antropology of Literatur US - will participate along with the members of both Societies.

The Symposium will take place on Wednesday, 18th January 2012, at 13.45 in room 554 of the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Silesia at Bankowa 14 in Katowice. Everyone is invited. Contact ->[+]

13 Jan 2012       Scholarship for Anna J.!
j.zwierzynskaIn the last two issues of Macierzator we published two mathematical comics of a member of our Society - Ania Jacek. Many people contacted me, praising these little gems of comic-drawing art. Creating a comics is plenty of work - in Ania's case not only creative, but also technical: as she lacks a graphical tablet, Ania draws her comics by hand, scans, corrects in a graphical program using a mouse...

However, we can make it easier for her! Ania applied for funding of a graphical tablet in the project "Stypendium z wyboru" (which may be loosely translated to "Scholarship of choice"). If you like Ania's comics - vote for her! Voting closes on 22nd January 2012.

We've uploaded the recording from the talk "Combinatorial Nullstellensatz 2", given by dr Tomasz Kochanek.We've uploaded a recording from dr Tomasz Kochanek's talk "Banach Algebras and spectral theory 4". For your convenience we have put it in a few different formats. The recordings are visible after logging in.

8 Jan 2012       Society's game evening
m.jurczynskiWe hereby invite everyone for the Society's game evening, which will take place on Friday, 13th January 2012, after Jola Marzec's talk (so approximately at 16.00), in room 535. We encourage everybody to bring their own favorite games. See you there!

We've uploaded a video from the talk for high school students "Mathematics vs the World", given by Mateusz Jurczyński. For your convenience it has been uploaded in several different formats.


We've uploaded a recording from the talk "Combinatorial Nullstellensatz 1", given by dr Tomasz Kochanek. Unfortunately, six minutes of the talk are missing - this is also the reason the recording is uploaded in two parts. Fortunately, one simply needs to pause the beginning of the second part to read what's on blackboard.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

2 Jan 2012       V Lecture in memory of prof. Andrzej Lasota
m.stolorzThe Dean and the Committee of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of US hereby invite all interested for the V Lecture in memory of prof. Andrzej Lasota, which will take place on 13th January 2012 in room 321 of the PAN Institute of Mathematics in Warsaw. A talk "Functional analysis and nonlinear boundary problems: the legacy of Andrzej Lasota" will be given by Prof. Jean Mawhin from the Universite Catholique de Louvain. After the talk a lecture session commemorating the 80th birthday of Professor Andrzej Lasota will take place, during which talks will be given by prof. dr hab. Józef Myjak, prof. dr hab. Ryszard Rudnicki and prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szarek.

30 Dec 2011       Informal meeting regarding the bachelor's exam
m.jurczynskiWe hereby invite all interested 3rd year students of the bachelor's studies for an informal meeting regarding the bachelor's exam. The meeting will take place on 5th January 2012 at 10.15 in 524. Joanna Zwierzyńska, who passed this exam in June, will talk about the form of the exam, the rules, exemplary questions from the last two years and will generaly try to alleviate all fears connected to this exam.

30 Dec 2011       Length of high school students talks
j.zwierzynskaOn the polls that were filled by high school students during our last three meetings, we asked, among others, for the optimal length of the talks. For some it is 60 minutes, for others 90 minutes is too little. Therefore for our participants convenience (also to be able to plan their return trip), from the next meeting onwards we will provide a lecturer's estimate of the time of their talk.

28 Dec 2011       Professor Andrzej Lasota's death fifth anniversary
m.stolorzFive years ago, on 28th December 2006,

Prof. zw. dr. hab. Andrzej Lasota,

one of the greatest Polish mathematicians,
a Honoris Causa doctor of the University of Silesia,
an active member of Polish Academy of Science,
an active member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
a many-year Professor of the University of Silesia,
died. Polish science suffered an irreparable loss.

We remember You, Professor!

In relation to fifth anniversary of prof. Andrzej Lasota's death, the website of SMS will have a black&white layout in the days 28-31 December 2011 and in the upper left corner His picture will be visible. A memory about the Professor is available in a special issue of Macierzator.

We've uploaded a recording from dr Tomasz Kochanek's talk "Banach Algebras and spectral theory 3". For your convenience we have put it in a few different formats. The recordings are visible after logging in.

We've uploaded the December issue of [Macierzator], including: the Hypatia biography, on the Banach-Steinhaus theorem in barrel spaces, on our perspective on science, semi-painless introduction to the operator spaces theory, additional mathematical problem that one can face, fragments from the "Little dictionary of a moderately educated person" and the next part of the TeX corner. And on the cover - a comics by one of our students, Ania Jacek. Ania is also the author of last-month comic about the mathultant. Have a nice read!

23 Dec 2011       Merry Christmas!
m.jurczynskiIt is Christmas here already,
Tables full of a food mix,
Merry Christmas are wished to you -
By us and the ex!
And when New Year's Eve is yonder,
You will count from ten or nine,
Everything will be nice and simple,
Even the graph of a cosine.

Did you know that on Christmas Eve functions talk with a human voice?

Best wishes of Happy New Year 2012 from the
Students' Mathematical Society of the University of Silesia


19 Dec 2011       Society's Christmas meeting
j.zwierzynskaWe hereby invite all members and sympathizers of the Society for this year's Christmas meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, 21st December 2011. We begin in 524 at approximately 12:15. It would be nice to bring with yourself a cake, fruit, salad, juice or other nice things - but of course it is not compulsory.

We've uploaded pictures from this year's Christmas fund-raising. We give our most sincere thanks to everyone who participated - the amount of gifts exceeded all our expectations! We thank you dearly in the name of the pupils of the Caritas st. Wojciech community centre and their tutors. The gifts have been given to the centre already - just before Christmas members of the Society will officially present them. Then the official thanks will also appear on the website.

We've uploaded notes from the talk "On Hausdorff measure", given by Szymon Draga during the XXXI outgoing session of our Society. This talk has been chosen as the best student talk of the conference.

We've uploaded a recording from Piotr Idzik's talk "Peculiarities of the [0,1] interval" . For your convenience we have put it in a few different formats.

4 Dec 2011        Christmas fund-raising 2011 (5th-9th December)
s.mikolajWe would like to remind you, that tomorrow we will start a Christmas fund-raising.
We collect:
- toys;
- cleaning utensils;
- school & paper accessories;
- sweets.
For more information, please click ->

We've uploaded a recording from dr Tomasz Kochanek's talk "Banach Algebras and spectral theory 2". For your convenience we have put it in a few different formats. The recordings are visible after logging in.

We've uploaded pictures from the second lecture of the "Banach Algebras and spectral theory" course, tutored by dr Tomasz Kochanek. We remind you that the materials for this meeting are available after logging in.

We've uploaded the November issue of [Macierzator].
From introduction: "We've decided to take a closer look on one of the greatest mathematicians in the past years, an exceptional and fascinating character - Nigel Kalton. We also continue the tale of the almost finite sets (...), publish a solution to the last-month locally open problem and we propose another one; we also publish an article about slowing down the divergence of series. We also give you an opportunity to acquaint yourself with not-too-serious informations about the Short Track Master's Programme - a non-standard exchange programme in which students from our Institute participate. And as an icing on the cake: a comics by one of our female students."

We have uploaded the recording from the lecture "Banach algebras and spectral theory 1", given by dr Tomasz Kochanek. Files are avalaible after logging in.

28 Nov 2011       Recordings of talks in better quality!
j.zwierzynskaUp to now all our recordings, because of the enormous volume of the original files (approximately 4 GB for every hour of recording), have been uploaded on the Society's website in the compressed version, and hence in a much worse quality. From now we will upload both versions: the original and the compressed. We've also uploaded uncompressed versions of some talks from the last and the current academic year.

We've uploaded pictures from the first lecture of the "Banach Algebras and spectral theory" course, tutored by dr Tomasz Kochanek. We remind you that the materials for this meeting are available after logging in.

22 Nov 2011       Prof. William Arveson passed away
j.zwierzynskaDuring the last-week session in Szczyrk we talked, among others, about the book "An invitation to C*-algebras" by an American mathematician William Arveson. We are sorry to announce that professor Arveson, a specialist in operator algebras theory, died 15th November 2011.


We've uploaded videos from the XXXI session in Szczyrk. They're avalaible only after logging on.

17 Nov 2011       Christmas fund-raising
w.siwekAs is our yearly tradition, the Students' Mathematical Society of Univeristy of Silesia organises a Christmas fund-raising on the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry US. This year we collect gifts for the pupils of a Caritas common room of Saint Wojciech in Katowice.

We collect:
- toys;
- cleaning utensils;
- school & paper accessories;
- sweets.

Most probably our gifts will be the only presents the children from the hostel will get this year. Therefore we encourage everyone to participate! Containers for the gifts will be placed throughout the Deparment between 5 and 9 December 2011.

31 Oct 2011       About the story of the last issue of [Macierzator]'s frontpage
m.stolorzProfessor Wolfgang Reichel from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology put into his webpage some information about the story behind his drawing of the convexity-sisters, which has been used at the frontpage of the last issue of [Macierzator]. It is very nice for us, so we want to share with everyone the link to professor Reichel's homepage. Thank you for everything, professor Reichel!

We've uploaded the October issue of [Macierzator], the first after the summer break. It's the 40th issue already, with 24 pages! (which implies a huge file size - we are fighting it.) This time you can read about a certain algebraic-combinatorical problem, how to complicate a simple lattice point problem, some about convexities and C*-algebras, you can reflect on the pi number and acquaint yourself with the next part of our TeX corner. Have a nice read!

14 Oct 2011       [Macierzator] has ISSN!
j.zwierzynskaWith incredible pleasure I announce that the Internet edition of [Macierzator]

has got ISSN 2083-9774.

Thanks to enourmous workload of the redaction during the last academic year, [Macierzator], from a niche academic paper, became a professional students' monthly mathematical paper, read all over Poland. Have you read it yet?

14 Oct 2011       The first anniversary of Benoit Mandelbrot's death
m.stolorzOne year ago, on 14th October 2010
Benoit Mandelbrot,
one of the greatest modern mathematicians, died in Cambridge. He was 85.

Born in Warsaw Mandelbrot was a father of fractal geometry, one of the youngest branches of mathematics. All the fractals that decorate our Institute of Mathematics during the Pi Days are fragments of the Mandelbrot set.

More about Mandelbrot may be read in the 28th issue of [Macierzator].

8 Oct 2011       How to write an e-mail to a lecturer?
j.zwierzynskaAs the academic year already began, the time of writing lots and lots of e-mails to our lecturers is upon us; as many people asked me how should one do that, I've written a small article, published in the 30th issue of [Macierzator]. How should you begin (and why not with "welcome"!), what should you avoid, some useful advice - all this one can find in the aforementioned text. Have fun.

5 Oct 2011       November SMS' session in Szczyrk
j.zwierzynskaWe hereby invite everyone interested to participate in the outgoing session of SMS in Szczyrk in 10th-13th November 2011. Our leading topic is "Motivations, intuitions, constructions".

We will be accepting applications up to 1st November 2011. Topics of the talks should be sent before 5th November 2011. Cost of the trip will be approximately 90 zł (lodging and full board included).

More information may be found at the session's subpage.

We have uploaded pictures from the Intensive Course in Bydgoszcz. We encourage you to view and comment the photos, preferably in English.

14 Sep 2011       Silesian Scientists' Night 2011
m.stolorzWe wanted to announce the Silesian Scientists' Night, which will take place on 23rd September 2011.

The event's purpose is to popularise science among broader public, so everyone are welcome, including (maybe especially) those, who do not have much contact with science in their everyday life.

Members of the Silesian Mathematical Society of the Silesian University will prepare talks and workshops from fractals, cryptography and puzzles. A detailed schedule of these activities is available (only in Polish).

4 Aug 2011       More propositions for the XXXI SMS session
j.zwierzynskaIn the appropriate subpage more propositions for talks for the upcoming SMS session appeared, this time by Tomek Kania. To all his propositions a bibliography is attached. We remind you that the leading topic is "Motivations, intuitions, constructions" and its date - 10-13 November 2011. More information shortly.

31 Jul 2011       Talks topics proposals for the autumn SMS session
m.stolorzEven though we have a lot of time until the fall SMS session comes around, we already have some propositions for the topics of the talks. The list will grow, incorporating topics from other branches of mathematics. We encourage everyone to send their own - best by direct contact with Joanna Zwierzyńska.

We've uploaded the vile report from the VIII Society's Camp, which took place at the beginning of July this year in Zakopane.

We've uploaded pictures from the Young Mathematicians Workshops in Cracow. Have fun watching and commenting!

17 Jul 2011       Great Summer Holiday Cleaning
j.zwierzynskaSoon the Holiday Cleaning of the Society's room will commence, so we ask all the members to take their beloved flawed plates and mugs, extremely important, but dirty and torn up notes and other strange things, because otherwise they may disappear without a trace. Those unable to appear in 524 up to 24th July and having something valuable in the room, please contact me.

We've uploaded some more pictures from the ECMTB 2011. Have fun watching and commenting!

We've uploaded pictures from the 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. More information on the conference itself may be found at its official webpage.

20 Jun 2011       Subforum for candidates
j.zwierzynskaWe remind veryone considering mathematical studies on US, or those who already made their decision but want to ask something or get some advice that we have created a special section on our forum just for such matters.

We have uploaded the last of this academic year issue of [Macierzator]. You can read about theorems from Alfred Tarski, get to know more about Felix Klein and a webpage with countless trivia on prime numbers and read a (not entirely serious) report from the XXX Outgoing Session of SMS. Also two new episodes of our TeX Corner and begin{document} cycles are there. Have a nice read!

7 Jun 2011       Mathematical League 2010/2011 - results
m.stolorzOur Mathematical League has ended. A definite winner was a high school student - Adam Glos from the I Karol Miarka LO in Żory having over 100 points more than the next competitor. Congratulations! The main and only prize (a logic game) goes to him - it may be picked up in the room no. 524. We wanted to thank all people who sent at least one solution and we remain hoping that next year rivalry will be more fierce.

17 May 2011       (Casual) meeting concerning the bachelor's exam
j.zwierzynskaWe sincerely invite all III year bachelor students for a casual meeting concerning the bachelor's exam - on Thursday, 19th May 2011, at around 13:45. During it one will get to know more from the 'student' side - Jolanta Marzec will tell about hers (and not only hers) experiences from last year and will answer all exam-related questions. The meeting will take place in the room no. 208.

We have uploaded a report from the XXX Outgoing Session of SMS, traditionally by the Innocent Wolverine. Have a nice read ;)

We've uploaded the photos from Jarnik 2010 along with some new from Jarnik 2011.We've uploaded recordings from the talks of this year's May session.

We've uploaded the Aprill issue of [Macierzator]. Inside we write about topological poker, the proof of Fermat's Little Theorem with beads starring as main characters, the April Mathematical League, the TeX Corner, how to write the introduction to the seminar paper and we include an article from one of our students about autism. Have a nice read!

4 May 2011       Financing the mathematical excursion during summer
j.zwierzynskaWe wanted to remind all the patricipants of the Toruń Summer School of Mathematics and the Young Mathematicians' Workshops of UJ that they should register to them presently. Those wanting to obtain a (at least partial) refund for them please contact me or Mateusz Jurczyński before Friday, 6th May 2011 - after this date no further refunds will be possible.

We've uploaded pictures from the XXX Society's Outgoing Session. Have fun watching and commenting!

3 May 2011       XXX outgoing session aftermath
m.jurczynskiEvery good thing has its end - so had it the XXX outgoing session of SMS „Patologies and paradoxes in mathematics”. The leading topic of our XXXI session will be „Motivations, intuitions and constructions in mathematics”. It will take place approximately on 10th November 2011.

Materials, photos and the report from the session will be uploaded on the webpage in a few days.

Moreover, we had a little change in our board of directors. When this academic year ends, Joanna Zwierzyńska will become the president of the Students' Mathematical Society. The rest of the board will remain unchanged (with Mateusz Jurczyński as a honorary member).

27 Apr 2011       Petition on behalf of the Maths Institute at VU Amsterdam
m.stolorzDue to financial difficulties, VU University Amsterdam plans to close the Institute of Theoretical Mathematics. Consequently, an earlier retirement awaits two mathematicians, and four more will become unemployed. There are great names among them: Dietrich Notbohm, Tilman Bauer and Rob de Jeu. This decision met with an outrage of the academical societies throughout the world. Please help spreat this information along with the address of the petition that we encourage everyone to sign.

We want to accent that this situation has a direct meaning for the students of our institute - due to the One Master Two Degrees programme a few of them goes to this university annually to obtain their master's degree there.

We've uploaded photos from the recent trip to Ostrava, high school talk "Fermat theorem", the "Pi function" talk, some photos from this year's Pi Days, slong with photos from the reanimators' meetings "Options, martingales and facelifting" and "To see ω₁?"

23 Apr 2011       Happy Easter!
m.jurczynskiThe Students' Mathematical Society of University of Silesia wanted to wish you all all the best, to spend the holidays among your family and to regenerate your abilities, so that you can get back to the Queen of Sciences (in appropriate time).

18 Apr 2011       Bottle cap collection
m.stolorzWe remind you about charities going on on our Faculty: for many months now we in the SMS room collect plastic bottle caps. The income from the sale of them is used to pay for the treatment of nine-year old, sick on an incurable illness - cystic fibrosis - Tymek Bugla. Moreover, starting this month bottle caps are also collected for Marta Fabian - students want to help her this way in buying a new, lighter wheelchair.

We encourage everyone to participate in these actions.

11 Apr 2011       7th Students' Festival of Science 2011
j.zwierzynskaFrom 11th to 14th April 2011 the 6th Students' Festival of Science will take place at the University of Silesia, which will open its lecture halls, libraries, workshops and laboratories. The central event of the festival will be the Knowledge Fair (14th April). At the Bankowa street in Katowice a tent city will emerge. The students will prepare multitude of attractions.

More information may be found at the event's website - www.festiwalnauki.us.edu.pl.

4 Apr 2011       21st Annual Vojtěch Jarník Competition
m.stolorzOn 31st March in Ostrava the 21st International Vojtěch Jarník Annual Mathematical Competition for students of mathematics was held and members of SMS: Szymon Draga, Mateusz Jurczyński, Jolanta Marzec and Marek Biedrzycki participated. Szymon scored the best with 20 points which gave him a very good 14th place. Congratulations!

26 Mar 2011       May Session of SMS US - Szczyrk, 29.04-3.05.2011
j.zwierzynskaWe hereby invite everyone interested to participate in the outgoing session of SMS in Szczyrk in 29th April - 3rd May 2011 (Friday - Tuesday). Our leading topic is "Patologies and paradoxes in mathematics".

We will be accepting applications up to 20th April 2011. Topics of the talks should be sent before 25th April 2011. Cost of the trip will be approximately 90 zł (lodging and full board included).

More information may be found at the session's subpage.

22 Mar 2011       5th Pi Day - pictures and videos
m.stolorzWe are happy to inform that pictures and videos taken during the 5th Pi Day in the Instytute of Mathematics are now avaiable. For your convenience these have been sorted first by date, then by events. We encourage everone to browse and leave comments.

20 Mar 2011       VIII Summer Camp of the SMS
m.biedrzyckiThis year's VIII summer camp of the Students' Mathematical Society will take place on 1-7 July 2011 in Zakopane. Our leading topic is „Applications of the differential equations". Estimated cost is 150 zł plus travel costs. Applications will be accepted up to the end of March 2011 by Weronika Siwek and Marek Biedrzycki.

More information (along with detailed schedule of the camp) may be found at the camp's subpage.

15 Mar 2011       And so the Pi Day is over...
j.zwierzynskaWe would like to thank all our guest for your presence during the Pi Day, for involvement in our workshops and for creating such an positive atmosphere of science and fun. Seeing you enjoing our activities gives us great satisfaction.

Also if you have taken some photos during your visit to our univeristy, please send them to j.zwierzynska@knm.katowice.pl as we will be very happy to them on our website.

14 Mar 2011       Winners of our Contest
m.stolorzThe winners of our this year's competition are:

I Paweł Kubiak, Mikołaj Kopernik I LO in Katowice
II Beniamin Stecuła, SRKAK School in Chorzów
III Adam Białożyt, Maria Skłodowska-Curie VIII LO in Katowice

Congratulations! Awarding of the prizes will take place on 15th March on 16.30 in the Rialto Theatre.

12 Mar 2011       V Pi Days
j.zwierzynskaWe remind you that on Monday and Tuesday (14-15 March 2011) we will celebrate the Pi Days for the 5th time. We've prepared lectures, workshops, contests. A complete schedule is available at swietopi.pl. Everyone interested, not only pupils and students, is kindly invited!

We have uploaded pictures taken on 25th Feb. 2011 during the talk for High Schools by Piotr Idzik.

5 Mar 2011       Competition Jigsaws - the second part

The newest, February issue of [Macierzator] is now available. Have a nice read!

26 Feb 2011       Competition
j.zwierzynskaWe've uploaded rebuses for our annual "Mathematical Puzzles" competition. The second part (problems) will appear on 4th March 2011.

Good luck!

22 Feb 2011       Tour de Science - signing up
w.siwekDuring this year's Pi Days the Tour de Science will be organised for the third time. It is addressed to the high school pupils and exceptional junior high school students. Eight teams consisting of three people will participate. More information -> [+]

20 Feb 2011       Beta version of the 5th Pi-Day schedule
m.stolorzThe beta version of the schedule for the 5th Pi-Day is now available on the swietopi.pl. Please treat as a draft, since the final version is due to appear within few days and some minor changes are very probable. (We are also working on filling the gaps in events' descriptions.) Everyone is welcome (not only pupils and teachers)!

18 Feb 2011       Contest
m.jurczynskiWe hereby invite high school and exceptional junior high school students to participate in the

Mathematical Puzzles & Jigsaws

contest! Participants have to solve as many as possible mathematical riddles of various types. More information here -> [+]

We've uploaded pictures and the recording of dr Tomasz Kochanek's talk "Gaussian ring and its applications".

10 Feb 2011       7th ISCA - Problems and Remarks
j.zwierzynskaDuring the conference we had the "Problems and Remarks" session which was meant for presenting some open problems and remarks concerning the subjects raised at the meeting. We have heard about some problems stemming from recent research, and also certain classical old problems were recalled. You may find precise statements of them in the attached pdf file.

8 Feb 2011       7th International Students' Conference on Analysis - photos
j.zwierzynskaWe have uploaded photos from the 7th International Students' Conference on Analysis in Wisła. For your convenience, we have sorted them into various folders, firstly by date, secondly by events.
We encourage you to view and comment the photos, preferably in English.

5 Jan 2011       A talk in memory of Professor Andrzej Lasota
m.stolorzWe announce that on Friday, 14th January 2011, a Talk in memory of Professor Andrzej Lasota will be given by prof. dr hab. Lech Górniewicz. The title of the talk is

"Differential inclusions - a theory began by the Cracow school of mathematics"

The meeting will begin at 15.30 in room no. 227 of the Institute of Mathematics SU.

We encourage everyone to participate in the talk. More information may be found at the Institute of Mathematics' website.

28 Dec 2010       Professor Andrzej Lasota's death fourth anniversary
j.zwierzynskaFour years ago, on 28th December 2006,

Prof. zw. dr. hab. Andrzej Lasota,

one of the greatest Polish mathematicians,
a Honoris Causa doctor of the Silesian University,
an active member of Polish Academy of Science,
an active member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
a many-year Professor of the Silesian University,
died. Polish science suffered an irreparable loss.[+]

23 Dec 2010       Merry Christmas!
m.stolorzStudies' tight schedule remind you of races,
You are being bullied by the Banach spaces,
On university the dean's word is law,
But don't be afraid - it's holidays now!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the members of the Students' Mathematical Society of University of Silesia in Katowice :)

We've uploaded the December issue of [Macierzator]. Have a nice read!

19 Dec 2010       Society's Christmas Eve
j.zwierzynskaWe hereby invite all members of the SMS US for the Society's Christmas Eve, which will take place on Tuesday, 21st December 2010, around 14.30 in 524. Traditionally, all delicious things (cakes, salads, juices) will be welcome. People willing to bring something are asked to contact Mateusz Jurczyński first.

We've uploaded pictures from the Yaglom meeting, which was held on 14.10.2010 by dr Michał Machura (Nine plane geometries - what about them?) and a small photo report from this year's Christmas gathering..

Pictures from the XXIX Outgoing Session of SMS are available!

We've uploaded a report from the XXIX Outgoing Session of SMS. Have a nice read!

29 Nov 2010       Christmas fund-raising
j.zwierzynskaBetween 6 and 10th December 2010 on the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of US a
Christmas fund-raising
will be organised. The gifts will be passed to the St. Jack's Centre (Caritas of the Katowice Archdiocese).

We are collecting: all kinds of office materials for a common room for children (notebooks, crayons, paint, etc.), educational games, toys, cleaners and sweets. Baskets for the gifts will be placed on the whole Faculty. The organiser of the fund-raising is the Students' Mathematical Society US.


We've uploaded the November issue of [Macierzator]. Enjoy reading!

10 Nov 2010       XXIX outgoing session
m.stolorzWe kindly invite you to participate in XXIX Outgoing Scientific Session of SMS US, which will take place on 26-28 November 2010 in Szczyrk. The leading topic of the conference is

"Mathematics and information technology".

More information may be found at the "Sessions" subpage.

3 Nov 2010       A mass for the dead from the Silesian academies
m.stolorzWe announce that on Saturday, 7th November 2010r., at 11.00 in the academic church (the crypt of Christ the King's Cathedral in Katowice) a mass for the dead academic teachers, students and administration workers from the Silesian academies, who died after 1st November 2009 r., will be held. The Academic Ministry encourages everyone to participate in the service.

31 Oct 2010       Festum omnium sanctorum

Gone this year:

Vladimir Arnold

Martin Gardner

Benoit Mandelbrot

Walter Rudin

Andrzej Pelczar

Let's also remember those we said farewell to in the last years. There are professors from the Institute of Mathematics of Silesian University there:

Msc. Bonifacy Szczepanik (1943 - 2009)
Professor Andrzej Lasota (1932-2006)
Doctor Marzena Ciemała (1975 - 2006)
Professor Tadeusz Dłotko (1930 - 2005)
Msc. Marek Strok (1948 - 2005)
Msc. Antoni Tomala (1951 - 2004)
Msc. Maria Zajączkowska (1909 - 2003)
Doctor Kazimierz Zima (1928 - 2000 )
Msc. Martin Grinč (1970 - 1999)
Doctor Tadeusz Prucnal (1939 - 1998)
Doctor Marian Panczakiewicz (1903 - 1997)
Doctor Zdzisław Wyderka (1950 - 1996)
Msc. Eugeniusz Głowacki (1940 - 1995)
Msc. Bronisława Błaszczyk - Świątkiewicz (1950 - 1994)
Professor Mieczysław Kucharzewski (1920 - 1993)
Doctor Zbigniew Gajda (1958 - 1992)
Msc. Grażyna Fudała (1950 - 1991)
Professor Marek Kuczma (1935 - 1991)
Msc. Józef Kozyra (1940 - 1990)
Professor Antoni Wakulicz (1902 - 1988)
Professor Jan Mikusiński (1913 - 1987)
Msc. Stefan Sedlak (1908 - 1987)
Professor Czesław Kluczny (1908 - 1979)
Msc. Edward Glat (1904 - 1968)

An article about Benoit Mandelbrot, Vladimir Arnold, Walter Rudin and Martin Gardner will appear in the November issue of [Macierzator].

A recording of Jolanta Marzec's talk "A look at Łobaczewski's geometry" is now available.

27 Oct 2010       Mr Zbigniew Skoczylas' competition with a financial reward
j.zwierzynskaWe've received a following message from dr eng. Zbigniew Skoczylas (yup, the same one as in the book we've all read) on our official Society address:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I invite you to take part in a competition with a reward. The winner would be the person who is the first to prove my hipothesis concerning a certain property of matrices of distances between points in Rn.
The hipothesis and the rules of the competition are attached. Please spread the word about the competition among other mathematicians.(...)

The reward is 1000 zł. More information -> [+]

The October issue of [Macierzator] has been uploaded. We point your attention at the Mathematical League - our new, not-hundred-percent scientifical competition, addressed to everybody.

Pictures from the SMS camp "Measure theory" in Zakopane are available.

A recording of Mikołaj Stańczyk's talk "Different kinds of prime numbers" is available here.

Photos from dr Tomasz Kochanek's talk "Some extraordinary inequalities" are available here.

17 Oct 2010       Death of Benoit Mandelbrot, the fractal geometry's father
j.zwierzynskaWith great sorrow we announce that on 14th October 2010
Benoit Mandelbrot,
one of the greatest modern mathematicians, died in Cambridge. He was 85.

The sad news were given by the New York Times.
Born in Warsaw Mandelbrot was a father of fractal geometry, one of the youngest branches of mathematics. All the fractals that decorate our Institute of Mathematics during the Pi Days are fragments of the Mandelbrot set.

The world of science suffered an irreparable loss.

More about Mandelbrot may be read in the 28th issue of [Macierzator].

16 Oct 2010       Next "Jarnik meeting" - an invitation
m.stolorzOur next preparation meeting for the Vojtěch Jarník International Mathematical Competition will take place on 29.10.2010. Our main topic is:

Linear algebra.

The meetings are held under the patronage of the Society's Tutor dr Tomasz Kochanek. Feel free to come, even if you do not consider yourself a future participant of the Competition. We begin at 14.10 in room no. 535.

16 Oct 2010       The members-reanimators' of SMS meeting and more
j.zwierzynskaOn 20th October 2010 at 16.00 in room no. 228 the next members-reanimators' of SMS meeting will take place. At that time msc. Michał Trzęsiok will give a talk entitled:

"The support vectors method, hyperspace jumps and discrimination problem".

Feel free to come!

11 Oct 2010       Charitable match Senate vs Senate
m.stolorzOn16th October 2010 r. at 15.00 on the city stadium in Bytom a charitable football match between representatives of Polish Senate and Senates of Polish Universitieswill take place. More information available at the Silesian University's webpage or at the webpage of the event itself.

Come to cheer for your team!

The latest special issue of [Macierzator] is now available. It is devoted to The Silesian Scientists' Night 2010 in the Institute of Mathematics of Silesian University. Hope you will enjoy it.

We have just uploaded more pictures taken during SNN 2010. Many thanks to the authors, and hope, you will all enjoy it.

We've uploaded videos from SSN, including lectures of professor Maciej Sablik ( Financial pyramid, i.e. how to defend your money) and msc. Łukasz Dawidowski ( How did our parents, grandparents count?) and workshops Fractals and Encryption.

25 Sep 2010       The Silesian Scientists' Night is over!
j.zwierzynskaAnd what a night it was! The materials (photographs, recordings) will be available in the next few days. All comments will be appreciated, both as feedback and as suggestions, how can we improve our activities. If someone has any photos or recordings to share - please contact us at joanna@knm.katowice.pl.
Here you can find more information about SSN

22 Sep 2010       Silesian Scientists' Night - activities with dr Piotr Janoska
j.zwierzynskaOn 24th September 2010, during the Silesian Scientits' Night 2010, classes „How does statistics help naturalists?” will be held by dr Piotr Janoska. More information ->[+]

17 Sep 2010       Forum is back!
w.siwekOur forum is online again! Feel free to post:


SSN's schedule, available for printing, may be downloaded here.

15 Sep 2010       AM and SUIP conference in Katowice
j.zwierzynskaOn the behalf of the Organisers we hereby invite you to take part in the conference "Science and the Mystery", which will be held 17th November 2010 on the Silesian University in Katowice. The conference is addressed to the whole academic environment, in particular to students and doctoral students. It is organised by the Academic Ministry in Katowice and the Institute of Physics of Silesian University. More information can be found on the address da.katowice.pl and by e-mail (konferencja@da.katowice.pl).

10 Sep 2010       Silesian Scientists' Night in SUIM - activities
m.stolorzDetailed descriptions of the activities, which will be held in the Institute of Mathematics of Silesian University during the Silesian Scientists' Night, are available here.[+]

4 Sep 2010       Silesian Scientists' Night in our Institute - timetable
j.zwierzynskaDuring the Silesian Scientists' Night, which will take part at 24th September 2010 current and former members of our Society will give popular science lectures and conduct thematical workshops.

The detailed schedule is provided below (any changes will be notified on our website).

  • mgr Łukasz Dawidowski: How did our parents, grandparents count? - 17.00-18.00;
  • dr Żywilla Fechner: How can one measure the risk? - 18.00-18.30;
  • mgr Grzegorz Bartosz: About a certain recursive problem - 18.30-19.00;
  • prof. Maciej Sablik, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the Silesian University: "Financial pyramid, e.g. how to defend your money" - 19.15-20.15.

  • Piotr Idzik, Mateusz Jurczyński: Fractals - 17.00-22.00, workshop starting hourly;
  • Jolanta Marzec, Marek Biedrzycki: Encryption - 17.00-22.00, workshop starting hourly;
  • Aleksandra Urban with Rafał Besowski, Anna Jacek and Anita Sendor: Jigsaws & Puzzles - 17.00-22.00, workshop starting hourly;
  • mgr Wojciech Bielas with Joanna Frej, Beata Łojan and Joanna Zwierzyńska: Scottish Cafe 17.00-22.00, here you will be able to barter the PIn money acquired on other workshops for refreshments and little souvenirs.

    Detailed descriptions of all the lectures and workshops will be available in the following days.

  • 2 Sep 2010       Silesian Scientists' Night 2010
    m.stolorzWe wanted to announce
    the Silesian Scientists' Night, which will take place on 24th September 2010.

    The event's purpose is to popularise science among broader public, so everyone are welcome, including (maybe especially) those, who do not have much contact with science in their everyday life.

    Members of the Silesian Mathematical Society of the Silesian University will prepare talks and workshops from fractals, cryptography and puzzles. A detailed schedule of these activities will be available shortly.

    Come and have fun!

    Materials from the summer camp 2010 are starting to appear on the webpage.
    Have a good read!

    30 Jun 2010       Global Management Challenge
    m.stolorzInformation about the Global Management Challenge - the Polish biggest management training, based on computer simulations - is available. Teams of three to five people can participate in the competition, which will play roles of administrators of international companies. Their aim is to administrate the company in such a way so as to obtain the highest stock value. More info here → [+]

    25 Jun 2010       M. Jurczyński's review in the Informator PBW in Bytom
    j.zwierzynskaIn the Informator of the Provincial Pedagogical Library in Katowice,
    Bytom branch
    , a review of a book popularising mathematics "Tajemnicza liczba e i inne sekrety matematyki" (The mysterious number e and other secrets of mathematics) was published, written by Mateusz Jurczyński. Have a good read!

    23 Jun 2010       The Great Society Cleaning
    j.zwierzynskaAt the beginning of July The Great Society Cleaning will commence in the room no. 524. All broken mugs, umbrellas, plates, the "unused since times immemorial" old monitor and similar things will disappear, so the owners of those are asked to take them until the end of June, or, if it's impossible for any reason, to contact us at knm@knm.katowice.pl.

    15 Jun 2010       The members-reanimators' of SMS meeting and more
    m.stolorzJoin us at the members-reanimators of Student Mathematical Society SU (and not only them) meeting, during which a talk "My passion, i.e. some words about the Lusatian languages" will be held by dr Michał Machura.

    The meeting will take place on 29th June of 2010 r., at 16.00 in room no. 228 of the Institute of Mathematics SU.

    10 Jun 2010       The talk for high school students on 11.06.2010 CANCELLED
    Because of a sudden illness of Joachim Horzela, the talk "Polynomials", scheduled to 11th June 2010,
    Our next meeting will take place in the next academic year.

    The latest, 30th issue of our paper [Macierzator] is now avaible.

    Because of a technical fault, which can not be fixed right now (EXAMS!), most of the files with size higher than 1MB can be unavailable for a time. The fault does not affect other facilities of our website (mail, logging in, galleries, comments, announcements...)

    Pictures from the "Alternative proofs of theorems" session are available here.

    First scripts from the talks from our session "Alternative proofs of theorems" are available here.

    3 May 2010       SMS SU new board of directors
    m.stolorzWe announce that a new board of directors of the Students' Mathematical Society of Silesian University has been elected. It consists of: Mateusz Jurczyński (president) and Joanna Zwierzyńska, Szymon Draga and Marek Biedrzycki (assistants).

    20 Apr 2010       Festival of Science 2010
    m.stolorzThe Organisation Bureau decided that the 6th Students' Festival of Science 2010 will take place on 26th - 29th April (Monday - Thursday).

    The members of Students' Mathematical Society will await all participants at their stand near the Bankowa street during the Knowledge Fair (on Wednesday and Thursday). At appropriate hours it will also be possible to take part in the prepared workshops.

    Materials for the Circle meeting "Functional equations", prepared by Weronika Siwek, are available here.

    13 Apr 2010       A mass for the victims of the Smolensk disaster
    j.zwierzynskaThe academic society from the Silesian province announces that on Wednesday, 14th April 2010, at 12.00 a mass for the victims of the Smolensk disaster will be said in the Christ the King Archsee in Katowice.
    The mass will be said by the Katowice metropolitan abp Damian Zimoń.

    More information available at the Silesian University's in Katowice website.

    10 Apr 2010       Festival of Science 2010 - change of date
    j.zwierzynskaBecause of the Smolensk tragedy, we announce that the Festival of Science, scheduled to 12-15th April 2010, will take place on a later date.

    The academical society mourns together with the victims' relatives.

    Materials for the Circle meeting "Polynomials" are available here.

    1 Apr 2010       Happy Easter!
    Easter is coming, time of joy and bliss,
    Heed our advice, listen to this:
    When you are safely behind the table,
    Only eat things which are at least measurable.

    The Students' Mathematical Society of the Silesian University wishes you Happy Easter!

    28 Mar 2010       Vojtech Jarnik International Mathematical Competition - results
    m.stolorzOn 25th March in Ostrava the 20th Annual Vojtěch Jarník International Mathematical Competition took place, in which representatives of SMS SU participated. The best result among us in this international competition was achieved by Szymon Draga, who acquired 10 points and was on 29th place in the I category. Congratulations and keep it up!

    Script of the second part of the talk "The Lagrange's theorem" is available here.Materials which were used during the Circle meeting "Logical games & puzzles" are available here.

    Pictures from the mathematical part of this year's Pi Days are available here.

    Materials for the Circle meeting "Mathematical and logical games", chosen by Jolanta Marzec, are available here

    11 Mar 2010       The "Mathematical Puzzles" competition
    j.zwierzynskaThe winners of the "Mathematical Puzzles 2010" competition are:

    1st place - Adam Białożyt, VIII Maria Skłodowska-Curie Secondary School in Katowice;
    2nd place - Kinga Stecuła, IV Bolesław Chrobry Secondary School in Bytom;
    3rd place - Dawid Kosiński, Junior High School nr 12.

    Congratulations! The prizes will be awarded on 12th March at 14.30 in the room no. 227 of the Institute of Mathematics.

    9 Mar 2010       Pi Days 2010
    m.stolorzThe IV Pi Days are upon us!

    They will be held on 11th-13th March 2010 (Thursday - Saturday). More information and a detailed schedule are available at the address swietopi.pl.

    We remind you that all the activities, workshops and lectures on mathematics are free of charge and no signing up is required.

    We have uploaded the script from the "Lagrange's theorem - part 1" talk.

    The February issue of [Macierzator] has been uploaded, along with a special issue of [PI-Macierzator] for the Pi Days 2010.

    2 Mar 2010       Tour de Science
    j.zwierzynskaThis year a team competition Tour de Science will be held for all secondary school pupils, during which knowledge from mathematics, physics, chemistry and information technology will be required. More information at www.swietopi.pl.

    Applications for three-person teams will be received at bieg@swietopi.pl until the limit of the participants is attained. The competition is organized by the Students' Mathematical Society, the Society of Information Technology Hotheads, Students' Chemical Society and Students' Physical Society and it will take place on Friday, 12th March 2010.

    25 Feb 2010       April-May SMS SU trip
    j.zwierzynskaStudents' Mathematical Society hereby invites everyone interested to take part in a science session of SMS in Szczyrk, on 30th April - 3rd May 2010. The main topic of the conference is "Alternative proofs of theorems".

    More information available here.

    Questions, comments and suggestions can be sent to knm@knm.katowice.pl. Feel free to do so and to join us in Szczyrk!

    14 Feb 2010       Competition - "Mathematical Puzzles 2010"
    j.zwierzynskaFeel free to join the second edition of our rebus contest. Its main addressees are high school and exceptional junior high school students and it consists of solving the highest possible number of puzzles.

    The problems can be found at en.knm.katowice.pl/rebusy2010.php.

    Nice solving!

    9 Feb 2010       e-ΠgraMAT 2010
    Tomorrow (10th February) the next edition of a mathematical contest
    e-ΠgraMAT will start.
    Details are available at the Pi Days' website.
    Feel free to participate!

    Materials for the Circle's "Inequalities" meeting, prepared by Jolanta Marzec, are available.

    Photos from the Circle's "Mathematical induction - continuation" meeting have been uploaded.

    18 Jan 2010       A meeting of current and historical members of SMS SU
    On Tuesday, 19th January 2010, at 16.00 in room no. 228 a

    meeting of the current and historical members of the Students' Mathematical Society of Silesian University in Katowice will take place.

    The highlight of the evening will be the talk of doctor Marek Szyjewski "Zołotarew and quadratic residues".

    Feel free to come!

    The latest (27th) issue of our paper [Macierzator] is now avaible.

    Pictures from the Lecture in Memory of Prof. Lasotaare available at the website of the Silesian University.


    8 Jan 2010       A mass for Professor Andrzej Lasota
    j.zwierzynskaWe announce that on Tuesday, 12th January 2010 r., at 19.00 in the Academic Church in Christ the King Crypt in Cathedral at Jordan street in Katowice a mass for Professor Andrzej Lasota will be said.

    6 Jan 2010       A talk in memory of Professor Andrzej Lasota
    m.stolorzWe announce that on Friday, 15th January 2010, a Talk in memory of Professor Andrzej Lasota will be given by prof. dr hab. Andrzej Pelczar. The title of the talk is "Description of mathematics. Description in mathematics. Mathematics as a description." The meeting will begin at 15.30 in room no. 227 of the Institute of Mathematics SU.

    We encourage everyone to participate in the talk!

    28 Dec 2009       Professor Andrzej Lasota's death third anniversary
    j.zwierzynskaThree years ago, on 28th December 2006,

    Prof. zw. dr. hab. Andrzej Lasota,

    one of the greatest Polish mathematicians,
    a Honoris Causa doctor of the Silesian University,
    an active member of Polish Academy of Science,
    an active member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
    a many-year Professor of the Silesian University,
    died. Polish science suffered an irreparable loss.

    We remember You, Professor!

    In relation to third anniversary of prof. Lasota's death, the website of SMS will have a black&white layout in the days 28-31 December 2009 and in the upper left corner His picture will be visible. A memory about the Professor is available in a special issue of Macierzator.

    We had some small printing mistakes in the file with problems for the circle meeting "Unknown functions (signum, entier and fractional part)" - a corrected version is already uploaded.


    21 Dec 2009       Merry Christmas!
    m.stolorzIt is Christmas here already,
    Tables full of a food mix,
    Merry Christmas are wished to you -
    By us and the ex!
    And when New Year's Eve is yonder,
    You will count from ten or nine,
    Everything will be nice and simple,
    Even the graph of a cosine.

    Did you know that on Christmas Eve functions talk with a human voice?

    Best wishes of Happy New Year 2010 from the
    Students' Mathematical Society
    Of Silesian University

    16 Dec 2009       A christmas tree in the Society's room!
    j.zwierzynskaIn the Society's room a christmas tree appeared today. The Big Gluing of The Chains is scheduled for Thursday before the Society's talk - we need all the color paper we can muster. The christmas tree is two metres tall, so feel free to bring glass balls and other decoration. The idea and the tree come from Weronika, so - thanks, Weronika :)

    Some notes for the Saturday maths. circle are available now. Notes prepared by Jolanta Marzec and the topic is: Combinatorial geometry - colouring.

    6 Dec 2009       Thank you for participating in the Christmas fund-raising!
    j.zwierzynskaWe give our thanks to all who participated in the Christmas fund-raising on behalf of the Orphanage "Stanica". As every year, you have shown your worth - our baskets filled with great gifts everyday. Thank you!

    We've uploaded the November issue of [Macierzator] - from this issue onwards the paper will be published in TeX version only.

    28 Nov 2009       Christmas fund-raising on the behalf of an Orphanage
    m.stolorzWe encourage everyone to participate in our Christmas fund-raising, organised annually by SMS SU. This time the fund-raising will take place between 30th November and 4th December 2009, and the collected gifts will be given to children from the Katowice Oprhanage "Stanica". They are teenage boys. Details -> [+]

    Photos from the following talks are available:
    Jolanta Marzec's "Diophantine equations" and Mateusz Jurczyński's "Vedic mathematics and more". We've also uploaded pictures from the Circle meeting "Mathematical induction", held by Jolanta Marzec.We've uploaded the script from the Szymon Draga's talk "Infinite sets".

    19 Nov 2009       Professor Jerzy Mioduszewski's talk
    m.stolorzWe kindly encourage everyone interested to participate in the talk "Dedekind, Cantor and Kronecker", given by prof. dr hab. Jerzy Mioduszewski. The meeting will take place on 20th November 2009 at 12.15 in the 3rd symposial room (4th floor) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Silesian University in Katowice (Bankowa 11 street). The talk is meant as an introduction to the seminar "History of mathematics: people-ideas-philosophical aspects" organised by 7th Group of the Kopernik Centre of Interdisciplinary Research and the Institute of Philosophy of the Silesian University.

    13 Nov 2009       [Macierzator] at last in TeX version!
    j.zwierzynskaAfter years of struggle and tears, the Society's Paper [Macierzator], loved by many, hated by some, always up to date, always writing about the most pressing issues (all theses up to isomorphism) have acquired a TeX version! On this occassion the last issue is sponsored by Jeremias the Horse and the letter T, which can be found in the name of the tuned-up version.
    We give our biggest thanks to the Author of this big change and we wish our Readers that the pleasure from the lecture tends to infinity even faster!

    A report from the "Mathematics in pictures" session is available. Also, materials from the talks are slowly being uploaded.

    We've uploaded photos from the "Mathematics in pictures" session. Feel free to browse and comment them :)

    8 Nov 2009       Information on subpages - reminder
    m.stolorzWe remind you that the information about all cyclic meetings are available at suitable subpages:

    - talk meetings of the Society - page "Meetings"
    - talks for high school students - page "For high schools";
    - Circle for high school students - also in the page "For high schools". Details -> [+]

    6 Nov 2009       Society's talk meeting
    j.zwierzynskaWe kindly invite everyone interested for the neares Society's talk meeting. On 19th November 2009 at 15.15 Tomasz Kania will give a talk "Martin's axiom". The talk will take place in the room no. 533.

    After the talk an organisational meeting concerning the Pi Days will be held.

    The latest issue of our paper [Macierzator] is now avaible.

    29 Oct 2009       "Mathematics in pictures" - end of applying
    j.zwierzynskaFirst time in the history of our outgoing science session we have to announce that we don't accept any new applications for the conference. The interest in the trip exceeded our greatest expectations, we are over our limit of places, so, unfortunately, the list of participants of the session "Mathematics in pictures" is officially closed.

    26 Oct 2009       Society's talk meeting
    j.zwierzynskaWe kindly invite all interested for the first in this academic year Society's talk meeting. The SMS president, Weronika Siwek, on Thursday, 29th October, at 15 o'clock in room no. 524 (Society's room) will give a talk "Lebesgue measure, I and II category sets, Borel sets". Participants of the outgoing session "Mathematics in pictures" are especially encouraged to be present at the talk - topics introduced by Weronika may be very useful during it.

    We kindly invite you for the next meeting of the mathematical circle.

    On the nearest Saturday, 24th October , Jolanta Marzec will hold a meeting entitled "Diophantine equations".
    It will take place in room no. 201 of the Institute of Mathematics of University of Silesia at 9.20.

    Due to technical difficulties a file with problems prepared for the Circle's members by the leader will be uploaded to the appropriate subpage in the following week. It can be downloaded now by clicking on its name: Równania diofantyczne.pdf. Materials from the Saturday meeting of the high school Circle are available.

    13 Oct 2009       The Great Society Cleaning - formatting the Society's computer
    j.zwierzynskaWe kindly inform all interested, that on the nearest Wednesday (21st October) we are planning to format the Society's computer. We suggest to copy all important files (if someone does not have the time or the possibility to visit 524 and has something important - contact me) - we will copy whatever we deem worthwhile, and the rest will disappear into the abbyss... and let's hope that it will improve the computer's functionality at least a little bit.

    5 Oct 2009       November Outgoing Session of SMS
    m.stolorzThe Silesian Mathematical Society hereby announces the science trip to Szczyrk between 6th - 8th November 2009. The topic of the conference is "Mathematics in pictures".

    More information available here -> [+]

    5 Oct 2009       Mathematical circle for high school students
    j.zwierzynskaWe hereby announce that on next Saturday a mathematical circle for high school students will have its official first meeting. It will take place on 10th October 2009 at 9.20 in room no. 2010 and will be held by Jola Marzec. The leading topic is "Congruences".

    Feel free to join us!

    29 Sep 2009       Meetings with high school students are back!
    m.stolorzWe hereby announce that after the holiday break we resume the Friday meetings with high school students. The next meeting will take place on 9th October 2009 at 16.10 in room no. 213 (Kopernik's assembly hall), where Piotr Idzik will give a talk "On drawing graphs of functions".

    News about every talk and materials from them will be uploaded consecutively at the "For high schools" subpage.

    Feel free to join us!

    Pictures from the 1st Summer School of Mathematics of the Kraków University of Technology are available, feel free to browse and comment! Report and chosen scripts will be uploaded shortly.

    13 Jul 2009       Integration meeting for fresh recruits ;)
    j.zwierzynskaCongratulations to all those qualified for the mathematical studies at the University of Silesia in the academic year 2009/2010!

    At the same time we announce that on Wednesday, 14th July 2009, a integration meeting of fresh students will take place, organised by themselves ;) Gathering at 13 o'clock in front of the Institute of Mathematics. On behalf of the organisers we invite you to join!

    We've uploaded the newest issue of [Macierzator].

    15 Jun 2009       Diplomas for high school students
    j.zwierzynskaWe invite the participants of our talks who have not received their diplomas yet to pick them up. Those eager to do so are asked to contact us first at knm@knm.katowice.pl.

    3 Jun 2009       Change of place of the meeting with the high school students!
    Due to technical difficulties the next Friday meeting with high school students
    (5th June)
    will take place in the other assembly hall (room no. 420).

    25 May 2009       Change of place of the meeting with the high school students!
    Due to technical difficulties the next Friday meeting with high school students
    (29th May)
    will take place in the other assembly hall (room no. 420).

    We've uploaded pictures from the "Equations and inequalities" session.

    We've modified our mailing list for those interested in talks for high schools. Now one can both subscribe and write himself out using a form. Both procedures are then continued automatically.

    6 May 2009       Change of place of the meeting with the high school students!
    Due to technical difficulties the next Friday meeting with high school students
    (8th May)
    will take place in the other assembly hall (room no. 420).

    At the "Equations and inequalities" session subpage we've started uploading materials from the conference, mainly scripts from the talks.

    We've uploaded the newest issue of the [Macierzator].

    Na podstronie tegorocznego Święta Pi pojawiły się zakładki "Ludzie" i "Liczby".

    26 Apr 2009       Spring cleaning
    j.zwierzynskaSoon in the SMS room The Great Spring Cleaning will take place. All interested are kindly informed that we are planning to throw out many things, so we suggest to take your stuff quickly, while it's still available.

    24 Apr 2009       April-May SMS US trip
    m.stolorzThe Silesian Mathematical Society hereby announces the science trip to Szczyrk between 30th April - 3rd May 2009. The topic of the conference is "Equations and inequalities".

    More information available here -> [+]

    22 Apr 2009       Festival of Science
    j.zwierzynskaFestival of Science is currently taking place at the University of Silesia. Once can get to know how does studies look like on various faculties and branches or talk wih students. On Thursday, 23rd April, we invite all eager high school students to mathematics - we will wait for them in rooms no. 230 and 231.

    More information here -> [+]

    We've added more pictures to the Pi Days gallery (pictures from the "Master of Mathematics" competition, awarding prizes ceremony and physics workshops).

    We've uploaded pi-ctures from the last Pi Days and a special issue of [Pi-Macierzator]

    9 Mar 2009       One Master, two degrees
    j.zwierzynskaA presentation of the project One master, two degrees by doctor Michał Wojtylak from the VU University of Amsterdam will take place on Tuesday, 17th March 2009, at 10 o'clock in room no. 227.

    Everyone is welcome.

    26 Feb 2009       5th International Students' Conference on Analysis - photos
    j.zwierzynskaA few days ago we have uploaded photos from the 5th International Students' Conference on Analysis in Szare. For your convenience, we have sorted them into various folders, firstly by date, secondly by events.
    We encourage you to view and comment the photos, preferably in English.

    25 Feb 2009       Cross-university run
    m.stolorzDuring this year's Pi Days a cross-university run will be held for the first time. It's addressed to the high school students and exceptional gymnasion pupils. We accept applications until 8th March 2009 (included) at the bieg@swietopi.pl>bieg@swietopi.pl address.

    More information -> [+]

    18 Feb 2009       The e-ΠgraM competition
    j.zwierzynskaWe invite everybody to participate in a mathematical contest e-ΠgraM. It is addressed to students of high and secondary schools and consists of two parts: Internet one and the final, which will be held during the Pi Days. More information here -> [+]

    11 Feb 2009       Mathematical riddles - results!
    j.zwierzynskaToday at 21.00 we've uploaded the results of the "Mathematical riddles" competition. We hereby congratulate the winners!
    Prizes will be awarded during this year's Pi Days.

    1 Feb 2009       Contest
    j.zwierzynskaWe stopped accepting applications for the contest "Mathematical riddles" yesterday. Thanks to all participants and congratulations for quite good results ;) They will be announced shortly at SMS website.

    We've uploaded the 21st issue of the [Macierzator]. Moreover, for our reader's comfort, we've reduced the size of three previous issues.

    15 Jan 2009       A talk in memory of Professor Andrzej Lasota
    m.stolorzWe announve that on 16th January 2009 at 16 o'clock in room no. 227 a talk in memory of Professor Andrzej Lasota will be given by prof. Michael C. Mackey, worldwide known scientist from the McGill University in Montreal. The talk is entitled "Exploring the World with Mathematics". More information available at the appropriate subpage of the Institute of Mathematics' website.

    Not everyone knows that prof. Lasota and prof. Mackey published a joint monograph "Chaos, Fractals and Noise", published by Cambridge University Press. One can read about their collaboration and friendship in an interview with prof. Lasota, published in an archival issue of the "University Paper".

    We encourage everyone to participate in the talk!

    28 Dec 2008       Second anniversary of prof. Andrzej Lasota's death
    m.stolorzTwo years ago, on 28th December 2006,

    Prof. zw. dr. hab. Andrzej Lasota,

    one of the greatest Polish mathematicians,
    a Honoris Causa doctor of the Silesian University,
    an active member of Polish Academy of Science,
    an active member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
    a many-year Professor of the Silesian University,
    died. Polish science suffered an irreparable loss.

    We remember You, Professor!

    In relation to fourth anniversary of prof.Andrzej Lasota's death, the website of SMS will have a black&white layout in the days 28-31 December 2010 and in the upper left corner His picture will be visible. A memory about the Professor is available in a special issue of Macierzator.

    24 Dec 2008       A Christmas gift from the Administrators! ;)
    j.zwierzynskaAs a Christmas present we uploaded the rebuses in a much better quality: you can receive the gift here. We remind everyone that prizes (including a special one...) await ;)

    19 Dec 2008       Merry Christmas!
    j.zwierzynskaIt is Christmas here already,
    Tables full of a food mix,
    Merry Christmas are wished to you -
    By us and the ex!
    And when New Year's Eve is yonder,
    You will count from ten or nine,
    Everything will be nice and simple,
    Even the graph of a cosine.

    Did you know that on Christmas Eve functions talk with a human voice?

    Best wishes of Happy New Year 2009 from the
    Students' Mathematical Society
    Of Silesian University

    19 Dec 2008       Christmas meeting
    m.stolorzWe hereby announce that the Society's Christmas meeting will be held on Friday, 19th December, in evening hours (we begin after the talk for high school students, so at about 17.30). All current and former members of SMS are sincerely invited to room no. 524.

    14 Dec 2008       ,,Mathematical puzzles'' - special prize!
    j.zwierzynskaDue to a great interest in the „Mathematical puzzles” competition, we hereby announce that a special award of a bar of chocolate will be awarded to the first student, doctoral student or research worker of the University of Silesia, who will solve all the rebuses as the first. Applications will be received in the Students' Mathematical Society room (no. 524).

    14 Dec 2008       Meeting with dr Jolanta Kazak - teacher of maths in Tanzania
    j.kazakWe hereby announce that the meeting with dr Jolanta Kazak, during which she will give a talk Mathematics for life will be held on 18th December 2009 at 12 o'clock in room no. 227 of Institute of Mathematics of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

    5 Dec 2008       Contest for high school students!
    j.zwierzynskaIn the name of the Students' Mathematical Society I would like to announce the "Mathematical riddles" contest and encourage everyone to participate. More information here -> [+]

    24 Nov 2008       Christmas fund-raising
    j.zwierzynskaBetween 1st and 5th December 2008 on the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of US a
    Christmas fund-raising
    will be organised. The gifts will be passed to the Guardian Angels' House, taking care of children from the poorest families of Załęże. More information ->

    14 Nov 2008       Toruń Summer School of Mathematics
    m.stolorzOn the behalf of Students' Mathematical Society of the Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń we would like to invite all interested students and doctoral students to participate in the Toruń Summer School of Mathematics. More information here -> [+]

    17 Oct 2008       SMS US Conference
    j.zwierzynskaStudents' Mathematical Society kindly invites all interested to take part in this academic year's first outgoing session in Szczyrk, which will take part on 28-30th November 2008. The main topic of the conference is 'Numbers'. More information in the 'Sessions' subpage.

    5 Jun 2008       New board of directors!
    g.bartoszWe announce that a new board of directors of the Students' Mathematical Society of US has been elected:
    leader: Weronika Siwek
    vice-leader: Jola Marzec
    vice leader of science: Piotr Idzik

    13 May 2008       May-June SMS US session
    m.stolorzWe would like to announce that on the last weekend of May, from 30th May to 1st June, the spring session of SMS US, entitled 'Applications of Mathematics', will take place. As usual, it will be held in Szczyrk. More information here.

    14 Apr 2008       Big thanks
    g.bartoszOn the behalf of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry I invite everyone for an official meeting of organisators and executers of this year's Pi Days. The meeting will take place on 15th April in the Żak Club in the Institute of Physics' building at 14.00. Please inform your friends, who helped in organisation, about the meeting.
    Regards, Old Bear

    1 Apr 2008       Pictures from Pi Days
    m.stolorzWe announce that the pictures from the Pi Days in the Institute of Mathematics are available here. At the same time we ask everyone who have interesting pictures from the celebrations that they would agree to publish at our website to contact us at m.stolorz@knm.katowice.pl.

    17 Mar 2008       524
    g.bartoszWe would like to invite everyone to participate in the cleaning of the room 524. This will take place on March 18th. It is probably worth to pop in, especially if you have some valuables in the room, since we are going to throw away a lot.

    12 Jan 2008       e-ΠgraM
    m.stolorzWe encourage all junior- and high school students to participate in the second edition of the e-ΠgraM competition. Detailed statute is available at the Pi Days website: www.swietopi.pl.

    11 Jan 2008       Mathematical circle
    j.horzelaWe announce that from the end of November meetings of a mathematical circle are held, which prepare high school students for mathematical contests. Classes are held free of charge every Friday afternoon in room no. 233. Detailed information in the FOR HIGH SCHOOLS subpage.

    28 Nov 2007       Christmas fund-raising
    L.DAWIDOWSKIWe announce the Second Christmas Fund-raising, which will take place at our Faculty between 3rd ant 7th December. We gather: cleaning utensils, school accessories and toys.
    The gifts will be passed to the Bona Fides association of Katowice.

    25 Nov 2007       Session pictures
    m.stolorzUnder this link(wyjazdy/sesja_23/index.php⊂=zdjecia,link) all pictures from the last SMS session 'History of mathematics' are available. We encourage to comment.

    8 Nov 2007       Talk
    g.bartoszWe kindly invite to the Achim Horzela's talk "Mathematical induction". It will take place on 9th November in room no. 420 at 16:10.

    16 Oct 2007       Referat
    g.bartoszWe kindly invite all interested for the Pola Siwek's talk "Convex Sets", which will take place on 19th October at 16 10 in 420!

    16 Sep 2007       Conference SMS US
    g.bartoszWe hereby announce the next session of Students' Mathematical Society US. This time our leading topic is History of Mathematics. The conference will take place in Szczyrk between 9th and 11th November. More information may be found here.

    24 Apr 2007       Proofs from The Book
    g.bartoszOn Wednesday 25th April 2007 another meeting Proofs from The Book will take place.

    We begin the meeting as usual between 16 and 19 o'clock ;), we will know exactly immediately after we begin.

    The talk will be given by msc. Tomasz Kochanek.

    23 Apr 2007       Society's members meeting
    g.bartoszOn Wednesday 25th April 2007 after the Proofs from The Book meeting a meeting of members of the Students' Mathematical Society will take place by the brook near PLUS in Rawa Pub.

    18 Apr 2007       Open Days
    m.stolorzPictures from the Open Days of our Institute are available: open_days

    12 Apr 2007       May Session
    m.stolorzBetween 30th April and 3rd May 2007 the XXIII Outgoing Session of Students' Mathematical Society of University of Silesia, entitled PRIME NUMBERS will take place. Detailed information available here.

    6 Apr 2007       New galleries
    m.stolorzTwo new galleries are available:
    easter_meeting and Proofs from The Book

    3 Apr 2007       new galleries
    m.stolorzTwo new galleries are available: jury_XXIV_OSM and diplomas.

    19 Mar 2007       Pi Days pictures
    m.stolorzAll pictures from the Pi Days in the Institute of Mathematics are available at the address www.en.knm.katowice.pl/swietopi_2007_zdjecia.php.

    18 Feb 2007       The Pi Days
    r.policzewI kindly invite everyone to the webpage swietopi.pl.
    Everything about the Pi Days organised on 14-16th March on the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the University of Silesia is available there.

    6 Feb 2007       ePIgraM
    m.stolorzWe invite everyone to take part in the competition

    28 Jan 2007       New MACIERZATOR
    m.stolorzThe newest (7th) issue of our student paper MACIERZATOR is available at the address en.knm.katowice.pl/index.php.

    28 Dec 2006       Prof. zw. dr hab. Andrzej Lasota's death
    m.stolorzWith great sorrow we inform you about the death of

    Prof. zw. dr. hab. Andrzej Lasota,

    one of the greatest Polish mathematicians, doctor honoris causa of the Silesian University, a real member of the Polish Academy of Science, an active member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Science, a Silesian University Professor. Polish science suffered a great and irreversible loss.

    The funeral was held on 6th January 2007 in the St. Anna Church in Kraków.

    The Institute of Mathematics' board

    20 Dec 2006       ACTION!
    a.klamaI'd like to hereby announce that there's a hidden camera installed in the Society's room - it is not a jest! Members of the Society can look what's going on in the room at any time - it's possible upon logging in and pressing the "WEBCAM" button :)

    13 Dec 2006       Proofs from THE BOOK
    r.policzewThe last before Christmas "Proofs from THE BOOK" meeting will be held on 13th December 2006 in the room no. 535 at 17.3.

    25 Nov 2006       A talk for the high school students
    m.stolorzPhotos from our last meeting with the high school students are available at the address en.knm.katowice.pl/index.php .

    23 Nov 2006       New macierzator
    m.stolorzAt the address en.knm.katowice.pl/index.php the newest (5th) issue of MACIERZATOR is available.

    22 Nov 2006       Pictures...
    r.policzew...from the XXI SMS session "The Chaos Theory" are up! We're waiting for comments.

    20 Nov 2006       Pictures from the session
    m.stolorzPictures from the last session should be available shortly (I hope they will be up by 21st November). I'm waiting for pictures from Agnieszka, so that they could be arranged chronologically.

    26 Oct 2006       XXVI SMS SESSION The Chaos theory
    m.stolorzInformation about our next SMS session can be found at the address http://en.knm.katowice.pl/index.php?okienko=wyjazdy/sesja_22/index.php

    17 Oct 2006       Video
    m.stolorzA short video (~200 MB) from the last camp is available (only for those logged in). oboz.knm.katowice.pl

    8 Oct 2006       A meeting
    r.policzewOn Monday (9 X) at 12.00 in room no. 524 we will talk about the collaboration of SMS with the matematyka.org portal. All those interested - feeling they have something to say about the matter, or would simply like to know what it's all about - are invited. It shouldn't take long.

    30 Sep 2006       Pictures
    m.stolorzPictures from the last camp can be downloaded in their full resolution (8MP) after logging in.

    19 Sep 2006       TATTLE
    r.policzewTo everyone who have their own login and password - visit TATTLE, a special kind of forum for SMS members only :) (it's in the menu after you log in).

    18 Sep 2006       A competition?
    t.kaniaHow about organising an internet competition for high school students? Problems would be proposed by the Society's members (only author's problems!). A competition could be held once per three months, or in a formula similar to the MO? It's just a scetch of an idea, give your thoughts.

    11 Sep 2006       New pictures from Szczyrk
    m.gnacikAs all interested probably know by now, the newest pictures from the "Theorems with Proofs" camp are available in the CAMPS/Theorems with proofs subpage.

    2 Aug 2006       New functions in the user's panel
    r.policzewSome new facilities were introduced to the user's panel, feel free to check them out.

    30 May 2006       Some statistics
    m.stolorzThe Site is online for over a month now. On this occassion, some statistics:
    • there were 770 visits.
    • 580MB of data was downloaded
    • the most popular subpages:
      - 20th session - 5400 visits
      - Jarnik 2006 - 360 visits
      - 17th session - 220 visits
    • 197 comments were added to photos
    • 6 protests were edited

    27 May 2006       The VI Summer Scientific Camp SMS@SU
    m.stolorzYou will find information about the next SMS Summer Scientific Camp here.

    19 May 2006       Our new sofa
    r.policzewWe are happy to inform about some small enhancement in out room. Namely, since Thursday, May 18th we have a new sofa. Since now we not only can sit, but also lie.

    9 May 2006       Not only for secondary school pupils:
    r.policzewThe next meeting will be held on 19 May at 16.15 in room no. 213 (the usual). Agnieszka Klama will be our talker. The topic is "CONVEXITY". Feel free to come.

    7 May 2006       Pictures
    m.stolorzThose unsatisfied with their pictures on the "Membership" page are asked to send another photo to my address. Preferably in .jpg. For those who have a brown man instead of a photo, I'll find some in archival sessions or camps. They usually have bad quality, so you can as well send me another one now.

    4 May 2006       Patches regarding adding comments
    m.stolorzThe mistake, due to which the website crashed after using inverted commas in a comment, has been corrected. Moreover, after a short discussion with the Society's management, we made emoticons available again. Although only a few are visible while commenting a photo, you can use almost all emoticons from popular internet communicators.

    4 May 2006       New pictures
    Pictures from the last session, made by our president, are available.
    148 photos altogether.

    3 May 2006       Problem
    t.kochanekA problem given to us by Piotr Jan Szewczak:
    We divide the set {1,2,...,3n} into three disjoint, non-empty subsets, which union is the whole set. Show that there exist numbers x, y, z, each from a different subset, such that x+y=z.
    Looks interesting. Piotr told us he does not know the solution. We don't know, however, where the problem originated from.

    3 May 2006       Protest
    I'm bored! Please, PROTEST!

    2 May 2006       20th session - Szczyrk, 29th April - 2nd May 2006
    m.stolorzPictures from the last session of our Society are available. Feel free to add comments.

    2 May 2006       email addresses
    m.stolorzEvery active member is kindly requested to update the contact informations and check the new email address.


    Students' Mathematical Society of the University of Silesia
    (Koło Naukowe Matematyków Uniwersytetu Śląskiego)
    40-007 Katowice, ul. Bankowa 14 (room 524)
    tel. (032) 359-20-96, email: knm@knm.katowice.pl